How do I burn my pictures

nowwhat? - Oct 27, 2009 at 12:16 PM
 nowwhat? - Oct 27, 2009 at 04:39 PM
Hello everybody,... I need to re-format my computer. But I can't find my D drive anywhere. What should I do
to find it?,...Do I need to download one?,...or is there a way to which drives?,...I have e, f, g, and h to choose from, but don't know how to switch to them. Is there a way?,...or what should I do?

1 response

dancedhall Posts 3053 Registration date Wednesday May 13, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 12, 2010 656
Oct 27, 2009 at 01:03 PM
hi there,

is it a desktop or laptop that

you are using?

please give more information

Hi there,....ok,...well from the one answer you gave me about going to my computer, and going into disk management did'nt allow me to get D drive back,.....I'm using my personall computer, its not a laptop,....what else could I try?,...feel free to diretly e-mail me at,....thanks,....
Hello,..I'm trying to go into disk management and I'm trying to change a disk drive letter and path setting, but it won't let me change anything, and its not gonna allow me to get D drive back, or to get any of the other 4 disk drives I have to work,...
this is how my disk management reads the list of drivers

Driver 0 basic on line .....this is my "c" drive I believe
Driver 1 removeable: (e) no media
Driver 2 removeable: (f ) no media
Driver 3 removeable: (g) no media
Driver 4 removeable: (h) no media
CD-Rom 0 on line

.....I'm using my personall computer, its not a lap top,....what else could I try?,...all the cords are brand new, just went thru a cleaning, but it needs re-formatting. Which is the reason I need D drive to down load my pics onto disks to save them, so I won't lose them, and everything else I have before re-formatting ...or am I wrong on this? It won't let me change letters or pathways, etc, what should I do?

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