How to make a video on Windows Media Player: with pictures

Would you like to create a video with your photos and also add music in the background? If so, you'll need a program like Windows Movie Maker, which allows you to create and edit videos. You simply import the photos and music (MP3) into the program interface and follow some simple instructions. You can also add transitions between photos or add a title to your creation, among other possibilities.
How to download Windows Movie Maker?
If your computer has Windows XP, you do not need to download the program, since it comes preinstalled. If you use other versions of Windows, you can download Windows Movie Maker for free from CCM. In Windows Vista or 7, you can also use Windows Live Movie Maker, which comes preinstalled.
How to import photos and music in Windows Movie Maker?
To import your photos and the audio file that you will use as background music, run Windows Movie Maker and go to Tasks > Import Pictures or Import Audio or Music:
To import a photo, select the photos that you want to use in your project and click Import:

The imported photos will appear in Collections (top-center of the interface). Here, you will save all of the elements that you will use in your project:
Tp import an audio file, go to the Capture video section (on the left) and click Import audio or music. Select the music file in the new window that appears. After this, your photos and the audio file that you will use as background music will appear under Collections.
How To Create a Movie in Windows Movie Maker
At the bottom of the WMM interface, you will find the time scale with the Audio / Music and Video tracks. If they do not appear, click Show Timeline. Drag the photos to the Video track in the order that you want them to appear. Then, drag the audio file to the Audio / Music track:

How to add transitions in Windows Movie Maker?
To add a transition between two photos, click Show Timeline. Then, click View video transitions in the Edit movie section. Select a transition and drag it to the space where you want it to appear:
To see how your video is turning out, you can click the Play button.
How to add titles, captions, and credits in Windows Movie Maker?
With Windows Movie Maker, you can add a title to the beginning your video. To do this, under Edit Movie, click Make titles or credits > Title at the beginning. Then, add your text and save. The title will appear on the scale of time.
How to save Windows Movie Maker projects as video files?
To save your creation to the computer, display the Finish Movie menu (located in the left column) and click Save to my computer. Give the file a name, select the folder where it will be saved, and click Next:

Choose one of the proposed options, and click Next. Wait while the movie is saved.