The discussions
How to download edison mail in pc/laptop in windows 7?
A Human need to answer because my laptop's microsoft store app is not working..
Unable to update toshiba satellite c850-b883 laptop.
SolvedI keep getting error 0x800f0922 every time I try to update my Toshiba Satellite C850-B883 laptop (Windows 10). It first updates everything. THEN, it...
How do i download apps on my pc
SolvedHi, I want to download apps on my PC. How to do it? Thanks for your help!
Proline windows installation stuck on 64%
I have reset windows on my proline laptop now the windows installation is stuck on 64%. can someone help me please
Mysterious folder created
Hello, I have Windows 11. On my F: drive there was a "pictures" folder. At some point on F: a subfolder was created mysteriously. The "pictures" folde...
Easy how to bridge on windows 10
SolvedI know the answer so here it is. Turn on both devices Connect to WiFi on your computer Connect the ethernet cable to both devices Click your WiF...
Laptop failed to boot. stuck on boot screen
My laptop has failed to boot if you press the start button it get stuck on the boot screen
What is my microsoft office 2010 product key.
SolvedI have downloaded the Microsoft office here from this site. However, after downloading it, it is asking me the product key number. please let me know ...
I have download it but is not working
it is taking me to chrome and start downloading again
Key board problems
i am having a problems with my keyboard. i first noticed that when i press the left shift key it types x and the right shift key types W. then i not...
New password
Hello, i need a new recovery code
Want to remove 2 step verification
Put this on by accident and do not have code to remove it . can you please help.
How to control spam in windows 11 mail
How do I control spam in windows 11 mail?
Problem with shelllink_x64.dll
The error on Windows 10 x64 constantly pops up when launching applications. “The application failed to start because ShellLink_x64.dll was not found.”...
Disabling only some windows hotkeys
SolvedIn x32Win10ProV22H2, I would like more keys available to put 'proprietory' links on (using Autohotkey). When I tried the method shown in How to Disabl...
Reinstalling windows xp over windows 7
SolvedHello, I want to reinstall Windows XP......Becoz I just did'nt like Windows 7, But whenever I click on Install , A dialog box appears nd says th...
How to install windows 7/32bits on proline computer pos355
Hello, I have a pos computer with bad hard drive.i replaced the hard drive but I find it difficult to install any version of windows on it.i have tri...
How to get sound on my laptop
Hello, my laptop doesnt have sound am using windows 11 pro
Flash player password
to install acrobat flash you looking for me password.Inot have a password and can not me !
Random bsods
Hi, I've been getting random BSODs for a while. It doesn't happen while I'm playing games (mostly Genshin Impact) but instead while I'm doing random s...
After start up only wallpaper shows, no icons
SolvedHello, Upon start up only my wallpaper shows. There are no icons, no task bar, no start menu, nothing, just a blank screen other than my wallpaper...
How to fix image upload explorer window problem
SolvedHello, When I want to upload an image file to Facebook or WhatsApp, the explorer window opens full- screen [on centre monitor of three] covering the ...
Can you help error on my laptop
Hello, when my laptope starts on the window open with this message : can not find script file C:/programdata/perflogs/loader.vbs my windows is 11...
Intel rapid storage technology net framework 4.5 issue
SolvedHello, Issue on my other computer is installing Intel rapid storage driver. "The setup program ended prematurely because of the following error: T...
My laptop freezes a few minutes i turned it onn
Hello, My laptop freezes a few minutes after I turned it on, then I have to turn off and on again before it works normally
Musicmatch jukebox on windows 10
I just love the layout of MusicMatch and would still prefer to use it. When trying to install/run it, I get the message that it can't proceed because...
A draft email that will not disappear. why???
It's been a year, and I have deleted a composed draft at least fifty (50) times, and every time I go back to yahoo mail, it boots to this deleted emai...
Typed t it shows t5 , when i type y it shows y6
Hello, When I typed t it shows t5 , when I type y it shows y6 Example my6 problem is t5hat ..
Windows 10 product keys
SolvedHello, Hello. I need the product key for windows 10. I could not activate. Can anyone help?
Laptop only shows wallpaper, taskbar, and cursor.
SolvedHello, my laptop is windows 11 and when I open my laptop it only shows the wallpaper,cursor , and taskbar. No icons appeared.
How to remove / delete white box from computer screen
Hello, A white box has been appearing my desktop screen in windows 10 since last two days. How to remove / delte it kindly help.
Windows xp hdds
hello, my properly running 2 windows xp hdd have. What suggestions your can? Also, single "inadequate disc space" trouble.
Windows install error dell inspiron 20 3052
Hello, I have tried to reinstall W11 on my Inspiron 20 3052 after start up starts about 10 seconds Into it error pops. Saying due to interruption W11...
Touche win+x
Bonjour, Les touches raccourcis Win+e et win+r fonctionnent, Win+x ne fonctionne pas sous Windows 10. Merci pour votre aide
Dns probe finished bad config
Hello, Hello. I am getting dns probe finished bad config error. I tried the above but it didn't work. Is there anyone who can help me? :(
Remove the auto click when you hover your mouse
SolvedHello, Did you install RSI guard? that make you stretch while working, well, that have default setting to do such auto clicking for you. Check and c...
Forgot the pw of winmend folder hidder
Hello, hi,i am using winmend folder hider software.,recently I changed the password yesterday I try to open it but I forgot the password.even the fi...
Memory (ram),i have 4gb,but 3.46 usable
SolvedI was use Win7 32bits, after format computer Win7 64bits,Installed memory still 4.00Gb (3.46 usable) I can't use full ram ? -- I'm ...
I didnt found nvlddmkm.sys file in c:\windowssystem\32drivers
i didnt found nvlddmkm.sys file in C:\WindowsSystem\32drivers
How to unlock speaker setting in windows 10
Hi, i am having trouble with my speaker setting in my windows 10 pc. can anyone tell me how i can solve it?
Pc turns on but no signal to monitor mouse or keyboard
Hello, my pc turns on but no signal to monitor mouse or keyboard. When I tap on the keyboard it turns on for like 2 seconds and turns off. SPECS: W...
Where are all my bookmarks?
I never use to login to chrome and had lots and lots of bookmarks. Then I logged in with my regular google account and there are no bookmarks. There's...
Large rectangular box in the middle of my screen
When I opened my laptop today, I noticed a large rectangular box in the middle of my screen. It goes from the top of the screen to the bottom and is s...
Mp3 not connecting to laptop or showing up
Hello, I Had Just Bought This GFHFG Mirror Clip Mp3 Player. It Is Brand New. I Connect It To My Laptop Which Currently Has Windows 11 And When I Plug...
I need a administrator password for e6400 fdys5k12a7b
I need a administrator password for E6400 FDYS5K12A7B
My laptop blink when turning on then off immediately
I have laptop model :W549TU, when turning on the power button turn on with led then immediately turn off with out any display on the screen. What migh...
Nokia pc suite for nokia 6300 4g
Hello, my Nokia PC Suite won't install the drivers for a data cable driver because it doesn't recognize it. It sees that something unidentified is the...
Whatsapp web desktop loggs out after restart
Hello, Two days ago I updated to the latest version of WhatsApp Desktop and now every time I restart my PC, and turn on WhatsApp desktop it shows ...