Photoshop CS3 Killing RAM on closed files

ContentUnknown - Aug 24, 2008 at 06:46 PM
 Hugh Manzu - Oct 20, 2008 at 11:34 AM

I'm having a bit of a problem with CS3 photoshop on Mac OSX,
the problem is this:

After opening a file and working on it, i click save and close the file. When i open the next file, the memory active from the last file is still open. After working on a few files suddenly it takes 20 minutes to save a relatively small picture file.

Initially i thought maybe it was because i may have bridge open along with photoshop and bridge is making all the picture previews, so i opened the activity monitor, and watched what happened when i opened and closed applications and files.

start out nothing open: active memory is as low as it gets.
open bridge: bridge uses something like 100 MB for all the RAW photo previews etc.
open photoshop: standard with nothing open it's about 80 MB
open picture file: work RAM usage in photoshop goes to something like 120MB add a few layers etc. etc. Usage is up into the 300MB range
save and close file: photoshop RAM usage stays at 300MB
open a new file: RAM in photoshop goes up to 600 MB
this happens with each file i open and close until photoshop uses all of the available memory, after 3 or 4 files i have to force quite photoshop.

I thought maybe this was a MAC Problem, but i found a Vista user with the same issue, (He blamed Bill G) nothing listed from any of the Windows ppl seemed like it was a solution for me.

Anyone know anything about this?

2 responses

I had the same issue in Vista. The answer I found is to turn off the SAVE PREVIEW HISTORY in Preferences
essodiesel Posts 16 Registration date Saturday August 23, 2008 Status Member Last seen June 10, 2009 2
Aug 25, 2008 at 07:22 AM
hi there,

have you checked for some programs when opened together with photoshop arent using some memory? if this is not the case then check for that. if you have already done that then it may come from a hardware malfunctionning inside your mac which is your memory modules..