How to block my own website

Tarak - Dec 11, 2009 at 03:12 AM
 Tarak - Dec 11, 2009 at 04:16 AM
I'm an artist and some of my work could be classified as erotic - how do I assure that the specific web pages or website, as a whole, are recognised and blocked by a parent filter?

2 responses

Hi there,

You can block website using your internet explorer. Let see how.

1) Goto-->Start-->Settings--->Control Panel-->Internet Options.
2) Click on content tab and then click on enable .
3) Now click on Approved Sites Tab .
4) Enter the website you want to block and Press never button on the right .
5) Press OK . Set password ..Press OK .

You are done..

Best of luck

Imran Khan

I think you may have missed the point - I have produced a web site that some may consider adult material - I am looking for a way to makesure Parent Filtering software becomes aware of it.
Blocked Profile
Dec 11, 2009 at 03:59 AM
Dear Tarak,

You will have to use an appropriate software for performing this

task. Still you can set the files as password protected in order to

be viewed.

Thank you.
Hmmm - I don't want to password protect the site and surely not all adult sites use special software - there must be someway the parental filters pick up on adult sites though keywords or flags of some sort. Naturally there will be a "over 18" yes/no question on initial entry - the site its self contains nothing one wouldn't see in the average regional art gallery, but some parents still don't wish their offspring viewing such images - and that is their rightful choice.