Wrinting a script to move files

Kalapakim - Sep 27, 2008 at 10:40 AM
 kh_omuny - Apr 25, 2010 at 11:23 PM
I need to write a script that will search a directory and its subfolders for *.txt files and *.tiff files, each .txt file having a corresponding .tiff file, the files will be located in different folders within the directory which will be stored in a network drive (file server). After locating the files I need to move them in to a new folder together. Can anyone help with this, I'm new to coding and could use some help.


4 responses

Hi, You can very well move the files in Business Intelligence (BI).
Even you dont need to write script for that.
Just select the file format and run the .dtsx package
You can use regular dos commands to create the list of files you need by using the dir command. Go to the folder where you want to start looking for files in your command prompt and type:

dir /b /s *.txt *.tiff > file_list.txt

This will create a file "file_list.txt" listing all the txt and tiff files in that folder and subfolders. Once you have this list, you can use any language to create a copy from to process. I can create a quick PHP page if needed to do this.

Joey Rivera
Search "RoboBasket" in google you will find a application from Easy-to-Use Software which can automatically process your files based on user predefined rules. You can process your files based on name, size, date, mp3 tag, extension and more other attributes. and choose actions from move, copy, rename, delete and more. You can create rules with just drag&drop, no programming or script skills needed.
i need to upload one file image into two folder using php or javascript, can anyone help me for this, i'm waitting for your answers.