Use application overcross network cable

peas002 - Mar 30, 2008 at 03:42 AM
 slug of chimp - Mar 31, 2008 at 09:17 AM

i have a Eee Pc and desktop PC. I m try to run some software on my Eee PC but that is imposible to install some heeavy software on Eee Pc. Because my Eee Pc harddisk space is just 4GB . So i want to use the software from my desktop PC. How can i use application from my Desktop PC to Eee PC overcrossing the network cable.

pls recommand me "how can i do?"

Thank you ,
sorry about my poor english.

1 response

slug of chimp
Mar 31, 2008 at 09:17 AM
Hmmm i'm not to sure what you mean?
Do you mean, you want the software from your Eee PC to the desktop PC?
all i can think of, is sending the software VIA MSN or Memory Stick, Or Place onto Disk.
then drag it onto your desktop, then go from there.