Error message C00D11BA

Pawan - 24 Jul 2010 à 21:09
xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday 8 October 2008 Status Contributor Last seen 15 June 2019 - 24 Jul 2010 à 21:12

error message C00D11BA while using Windows Media Player

1 response

xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday 8 October 2008 Status Contributor Last seen 15 June 2019 1,824
24 Jul 2010 à 21:12
Why do I get a "Cannot play the file" c00d11ba message?

Sounds like Windows Media Player is having a problem with your sound card or sound controller.

Error c00d11ba Resolution Suggestions:

1) Make sure that a sound device is installed on your computer; if one isn't, just install one. In most cases, Windows will automatically detect the new hardware and install the necessary software drivers.

If Windows does not automatically install the software drivers, run the Add Hardware Wizard to install them yourself (click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add Hardware).

2) Another program is using the sound device, and preventing the Player from accessing it. Close all other programs so that the Player is the only program running, and then try to play the file again.

3) The software drivers for your sound device may be missing or corrupted. Try reinstalling the most recent software drivers for your sound device by scanning for updates on the Windows Update Web site or by going to your sound device manufacturer's Web site.

4) Windows Media Player may be using a version of Microsoft DirectX that is incompatible with the hardware features on your sound device. (This may explain why you can hear sound when you use some software programs, but not when you use the Player.) Install the most current version of DirectX by going to the DirectX Web page.

Error c00d11ba not resolved?

If none of the previous suggestions work, refer to your sound device manufacturer's documentation or run the Sound Device Trouble shooter to see if the device is functioning properly:

1) In the Player, on the Tools menu, click Options.

2) On the Devices tab, in the list of devices, click Speakers, and then click the Properties button.

3) On the Speakers tab, click the Advanced button.

4) On the Hardware tab, double-click your sound device in the list of hardware devices and then view its properties, or click the Troubleshoot button to help you pinpoint any problems the device might be having.

Note that in some cases, this error can be caused by improperly configured speaker or sound device properties.

For more information, see the following question.

Error c00d11ba still not resolved, no sound?

Most likely, the speaker or sound device properties in the Player are configured incorrectly. So lets change "basic" properties for speakers and sound devices in Windows Media Player by doing the following:

1) In the Player, on the Tools menu, click Options.

2) On the Devices tab, in the list of devices, click Speakers, and then click the Properties button.

3) On the Speakers tab, try changing the following properties:

- Select a different audio device for sound playback.

- If your problem is that you can't play audio CDs, clear the check box for the 24-bit audio option.

Error c00d11ba still not resolved, no sound? Part Two!

If adjusting the basic properties doesn't solve your problem, then try configuring the "advanced" speaker and sound device properties:

1) In the Player, on the Tools menu, click Options.

2) On the Devices tab, in the list of devices, click Speakers, and then click the Properties button.

3) On the Speakers tab, click the Advanced button, and then try changing the following Sounds and Audio Devices properties, to see if any changes help:

- On the Volume tab, in Device volume, clear the Mute check box, or click the Advanced button to open Volume Control and make sure that playback volume controls are not muted and are adjusted properly.

- On the Volume tab, in Speaker settings, click the Speaker Volume button, and then raise the playback volume level for your computer's speakers.

- On the Audio tab, in Sound playback, click the Advanced button, and on the Speakers tab, select a speaker setup that more closely resembles your computer's speaker setup.

- On the Audio tab, in Sound playback, click the Advanced button, and on the Performance tab, try raising the hardware-acceleration level. Setting the level at full acceleration supports all drivers, and is recommended for most computers.

- On the Hardware tab, in the list of hardware devices, double-click your sound device and then view its properties, or click the Troubleshoot button to help you pinpoint any problems the device might be having.