Copy of info from sheet to sheet

mucker - Dec 8, 2008 at 01:58 PM
TheParoxysm Posts 169 Registration date Sunday December 7, 2008 Status Member Last seen March 25, 2011 - Dec 9, 2008 at 11:23 AM
I'm trying to copy names from a sheet with adresses that are active to a new sheet which is to be used as a planer, so i can update the active address book and have their name appear on the planner then I can keep my Appointments on it. when they are marked none active I keep their address but they nol onger appear on the planner.


1 response

TheParoxysm Posts 169 Registration date Sunday December 7, 2008 Status Member Last seen March 25, 2011 74
Dec 8, 2008 at 10:14 PM
What program?

Also I would look into using a PIM (Personal Information Manager) it holds calender, contact info, journals, notes, appointments, and much much more.

There are many available and alot of good ones free to download and use.

Unfortunately I can't help you with this problem unless you let me know what program it is, and why you can't simply copy and paste it if it is giving you an error.
I'm useing Excell. The reason is that I can produce reports from it like hours booked and moneys taken. The first sheet is the address book, the next is my planner, month and day at a time against my pupils with moneys for each hour.
I can then produce graphs for each pupil of how many hours the have done in total or monthley. I will also be able to forcast the amout of time I have spare with the amount of cash earnt for each month.
The reason I want it this way is so I dont have remove old names and dates from the planner, basicly leaving the planner alone and just updateing the lessons for each current pupil. but keeping a record of the pupil with the hours they have done with me.

thanks for taking the time to help
TheParoxysm Posts 169 Registration date Sunday December 7, 2008 Status Member Last seen March 25, 2011 74 > mucker
Dec 9, 2008 at 11:23 AM
In excel you should just be able to select the cells with the names/data that need to be copied, and go to your toolbar and click Edit> Copy

Or you could select whatever you want copied and press ctrl+c

To paste you highlight the cell you want to start dropping it in, and press ctrl+v

Have a good day!