NAN - Aug 24, 2010 at 09:23 AM
 Blocked Profile - Aug 24, 2010 at 09:46 AM
hey there i have an IBM think pad an my keyboard is typing numbers instead of letters
It sounds like you have turned on the "NumLock" feature that many laptops have.( j=1 k=2 l=3 u=4 i=5 o=6 m=0) what can i do to solve that problem i ? i tried fn+shift+numlk an also just FN+numlk by itself an still having the same problem can u help me plz !
Thank you.

1 response

Blocked Profile
Aug 24, 2010 at 09:46 AM
Hi there,

You only need to press on Fn + Numlock key at same time and none other keys,try again it must be fixed.
