You tube video streaming fails
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2 responses
i hav an soln
pls try these foll steps it worked for me
go to menu sel multimedia-video player-options-network profiles-den sel ur profile as ur preffer it may be an gprs or wifi then go to ur browser and sel network profiles and sel profile mode as user specific sel ur sim through which u need to connect and ur respective network ur wifi and then click ok and then check in youtube it worked for me
pls try these foll steps it worked for me
go to menu sel multimedia-video player-options-network profiles-den sel ur profile as ur preffer it may be an gprs or wifi then go to ur browser and sel network profiles and sel profile mode as user specific sel ur sim through which u need to connect and ur respective network ur wifi and then click ok and then check in youtube it worked for me
Hi there,
The problem with these Micromax Q75 mobile phones is that it lacks a Flash Player or Flash Lite software which is necessary for playing YouTube videos. In addition, while trying to install Flash Player application on it, you will instantly find that the phone does support the format of the file and hence you will not be able to view You Tube videos.
Kind Regards.
The problem with these Micromax Q75 mobile phones is that it lacks a Flash Player or Flash Lite software which is necessary for playing YouTube videos. In addition, while trying to install Flash Player application on it, you will instantly find that the phone does support the format of the file and hence you will not be able to view You Tube videos.
Kind Regards.
Jul 9, 2011 at 01:22 AM