Gotoxy function

GH - Apr 8, 2011 at 12:42 AM
 GH - Apr 10, 2011 at 06:43 AM

i want to know what does gotoxy function do and how can i use it.also the code of it if possible.
tnx ^_^


5 responses

Blocked Profile
Apr 8, 2011 at 01:02 AM

Consult this link for best answer:

From: http:/

tnx alot. i guess this will show how it works .but i also need the declaration of this function.i mean when i copy paste ! the code ,the program says gotoxy is undefined.
tnx a lot for your help.i found the answer;
hello GH

actually gotoxy is a function declared in conio.h header file

it actually resembles the position in which u are typing

for example

printf("Hello GH");

it prints the output "Hello GH" at that point(150,80)

u can try in any c software
yes.thanks a lot.i learned how to use it it's a very nice function.