Zero Answer thread, Forum Rules, Posting a Sample File thread

sgmpatnaik Posts 52 Registration date Tuesday April 2, 2013 Status Member Last seen November 27, 2013 - Apr 28, 2013 at 01:43 AM
sgmpatnaik Posts 52 Registration date Tuesday April 2, 2013 Status Member Last seen November 27, 2013 - Apr 30, 2013 at 12:53 AM

I am very Glad to join in this Forum, i have some doubts they are

1. How can we find the Un Answer threads from the list ?

2. How can we refer some one else as your post is not in the forum rules ?

3. How can we give the link to post a sample files ?

may be the above problems are stored in someother thread but i can't find them

so i think to take a step against the above mention problmes



2 responses

aquarelle Posts 7141 Registration date Saturday April 7, 2007 Status Moderator Last seen December 19, 2024 491
Apr 29, 2013 at 04:47 PM

1. How can we find the Un Answer threads from the list ?
Just click on the orange button "Help them", you will have all the unanswered threads.

You can do this for entire forum or for each categories.

For the entire forum, you will obtain this list :
For Windows forum, this list :

2. How can we refer some one else as your post is not in the forum rules ? I'm not sure to understand what you want to know.

The forum rules are here :

And if you want to alert the moderators about an out of charter thread, you have to use the "Report" link, which is at the top right of the message.

3. How can we give the link to post a sample files ?
To do this, you can use a public share file website ( like ) to upload your files and after you just have to copy/paste the link into your message.

Hope this answers to your questions.


"Pour trouver une solution à ses problèmes, il faut s'en donner la peine."
sgmpatnaik Posts 52 Registration date Tuesday April 2, 2013 Status Member Last seen November 27, 2013 45
Apr 30, 2013 at 12:53 AM


Thanks for your valuable message and yes i got my answers from you

Thanks again
