Conditional formatting can't caputure text...NEED VB CODE PLEASE
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Monday July 29, 2013
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Aug 2, 2013 at 07:47 AM
Mounta1n Posts 8 Registration date Monday July 29, 2013 Status Member Last seen August 5, 2013 - Aug 5, 2013 at 09:47 AM
Mounta1n Posts 8 Registration date Monday July 29, 2013 Status Member Last seen August 5, 2013 - Aug 5, 2013 at 09:47 AM
- Conditional formatting can't caputure text...NEED VB CODE PLEASE
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6 responses
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Sunday June 14, 2009
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August 7, 2021
Aug 3, 2013 at 01:22 AM
Aug 3, 2013 at 01:22 AM
is there any LOGIC in the values ats the interesection of rows and columns ????
Registration date
Monday July 29, 2013
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August 5, 2013
Aug 5, 2013 at 04:44 AM
Aug 5, 2013 at 04:44 AM
Yes indeed. the logic is set out by associating the possibilities with each of the three outcomes. You can substitute what you want in for the various conditions.
I think i have worked out a way to do this though.
By using nested IF statements and the AND function:
=IF(AND(A1="1",B1="A"),"x",IF(AND(A1="5",B1=A),"y" etc......
Will test it today. Thanks
Yes indeed. the logic is set out by associating the possibilities with each of the three outcomes. You can substitute what you want in for the various conditions.
I think i have worked out a way to do this though.
By using nested IF statements and the AND function:
=IF(AND(A1="1",B1="A"),"x",IF(AND(A1="5",B1=A),"y" etc......
Will test it today. Thanks
Registration date
Sunday June 14, 2009
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August 7, 2021
Aug 5, 2013 at 05:59 AM
Aug 5, 2013 at 05:59 AM
can be done but you shd have 29 nests . if your versions 2003 or before you cannot have more tahn 7 nests. xll 2007 you havae more
if it is such an elaborate formula then just tpe nnext to each combinaton x or y or z
if it is such an elaborate formula then just tpe nnext to each combinaton x or y or z
Registration date
Monday July 29, 2013
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August 5, 2013
Aug 5, 2013 at 06:14 AM
Aug 5, 2013 at 06:14 AM
I believe you can define names for each of the 7 nests which means you can have n nests?
What do you mean by this line?
"if it is such an elaborate formula then just tpe nnext to each combinaton x or y or z"
Have to say i am struggling with this!
What do you mean by this line?
"if it is such an elaborate formula then just tpe nnext to each combinaton x or y or z"
Have to say i am struggling with this!
Registration date
Monday July 29, 2013
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August 5, 2013
Aug 5, 2013 at 06:40 AM
Aug 5, 2013 at 06:40 AM
Ok I think we are close but i think the issue i am having is a limitation of the AND function. My conditions are based off of text NOT integers. i.e
So what i need is:
IF CELL A1 = "0 - 250k" and CELL B1 = "< 30 days", do not escalate
IF CELL A1 = "500k -1,000k" and CELL B1 = "< 30 days" do not escalate
IF CELL A1 = ">1000k" and CELL B1 = "< 30 days" do not escalate
IF CELL A1 ="0 -250k" and CELL B1 = "30-60 days" do not escalate
IF CELL A1 = "500-1000k" and CELL B1 = "30-60 days" escalate to md
IF CELL A1 = ">1000k" and CELL B1 = "30-60 days" escalate to CEO
IF CELL A1 = "0 - 250k" and CELL B1 = " > 60 days" escalate to md
IF CELL A1 = "500-1000k" and CELL B1 = "> 60 days" escalate to CEO
IF CELL A1 = ">1000k" and CELL B1 = "> 60 days" escalate to CEO
So what i need is:
IF CELL A1 = "0 - 250k" and CELL B1 = "< 30 days", do not escalate
IF CELL A1 = "500k -1,000k" and CELL B1 = "< 30 days" do not escalate
IF CELL A1 = ">1000k" and CELL B1 = "< 30 days" do not escalate
IF CELL A1 ="0 -250k" and CELL B1 = "30-60 days" do not escalate
IF CELL A1 = "500-1000k" and CELL B1 = "30-60 days" escalate to md
IF CELL A1 = ">1000k" and CELL B1 = "30-60 days" escalate to CEO
IF CELL A1 = "0 - 250k" and CELL B1 = " > 60 days" escalate to md
IF CELL A1 = "500-1000k" and CELL B1 = "> 60 days" escalate to CEO
IF CELL A1 = ">1000k" and CELL B1 = "> 60 days" escalate to CEO
Registration date
Monday July 29, 2013
Last seen
August 5, 2013
Aug 5, 2013 at 09:47 AM
Aug 5, 2013 at 09:47 AM
=+IF(AND(U5="0 - 250k",V5="< 30 DAYS"),"No escalation",IF(AND(U5="250k - 1,000k",V5="< 30 DAYS"),"No escalation",IF(AND(U5="> 1,000k",V5="< 30 DAYS"),"No escalation",IF(AND(U5="0 - 250k",V5="30 - 60 DAYS"),"No escalation",IF(AND(U5="250k - 1,000k",V5="30 - 60 DAYS"),"Regional CFO/Head Fin Ops",IF(AND(U5="> 1,000k",V5="30 - 60 DAYS"),"Regional CFO/Head Fin Ops",IF(AND(U5="0 - 250k",V5="30 - 60 DAYS"),"Reinsurance CFO",IF(AND(U5="0 - 250k",V5="30 - 60 DAYS"),"Do not escalate",IF(AND(U5="> 1,000k",V5="> 60 DAYS"),"Reinsurance CFO",IF(AND(U5="<Enter amount>",V5="<Enter amount>"),"No escalation","No escalation"))))))))))