Excel Macro- Need Help

test_test1 Posts 1 Registration date Tuesday February 24, 2009 Status Member Last seen February 25, 2009 - Feb 25, 2009 at 05:23 AM
availlity Posts 13 Registration date Wednesday September 10, 2008 Status Member Last seen April 16, 2009 - Feb 26, 2009 at 02:59 AM

Could anyone please help me with Excel Macro logic/ or if more generous with macro code for the following scenario:
I have a Dashboard with following fields: project id, description, Owner-IT, Owner-QA, Task names(IT-SPEC1, IT-SPec2, QA-Spec1, QA-spec2), Date to complete with respect to each task. The data rows can go upto 200. I am just providing a sample row in sheet1. :
Project id Description Owner-IT Owner-QA IT Spec 1 IT-Spec2 QA-Spec1 QA-Spec2
P001 New Project IT-Lead1 QA-Lead1 1/29/2008 3/10/2008 2/10/2008 3/20/2008

Note : Here person under Owner-IT is responsible for IT Spec1 & IT SPec2 task and Owner-QA is responsible for QA Spec1 & QA SPec2 task.

The condition here is if the above task dates > today() i.e Overdue then the customized data should be pulled on blank sheet2 The following data should be pulled on sheet2.

(Project id, Description, Owner-IT/Owner-QA, Task name, Overdue in days) should be pulled on sheet2 for each overdue task and should be descending order(Field: Overdue in days)

Hope i have not confused. Waiting for help.


1 response

availlity Posts 13 Registration date Wednesday September 10, 2008 Status Member Last seen April 16, 2009 1
Feb 26, 2009 at 02:59 AM
try this link to get help:
