Phone isnt charging

victoria - Feb 26, 2009 at 09:21 AM
 phone girl - Mar 19, 2010 at 09:15 PM
Hello, my phone is pluged into my cp and its not charging. maybe its because i havent charged it in 3 months I dont know.but if you have any advice plase e-mail me back or answer the questoin.

2 responses

Tweedledum Posts 181 Registration date Monday January 19, 2009 Status Member Last seen April 2, 2009 125
Feb 26, 2009 at 10:38 AM
I'm amn't sure because i haven't seen your phone but your battery is obviously dead, after 3 months without charge it just went the way of the dinosaur, new fon or new battery methinks
the same thing happened to mine check in the back of your phone and look for a square and see if its red or white if its red that means it got wet and its gone throughs it warnty so you might have to take it to att and see what they can do