Date not showing up as a date???

phaney - Feb 3, 2015 at 12:21 PM
BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 - Feb 3, 2015 at 06:09 PM
I have entered & formatted a column as a date but shows up as a 5 digit number. I followed your instructions and it still showing up as a 5 digit number in the cell. It is entered as a date (ie 04/03/1991) and is showing up as a number in the cell (33331). Please help


2 responses

BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 149
Feb 3, 2015 at 12:37 PM
I cant see the instructuions you were given previously as it looks like you have started a new thread. Sorry if I repeat what has already been stated by others.

Right click the cell you want to show as a date.
Choose "Format Cells"
Choose date from the left hand list.
Choose the way you want the date to display in the right hand list.
Press the "OK" button.

Hope this helps.
I have done that and I have also gone to data and text to columns to reset the column as a date and nothing seems to be working unless I manually put a space in front each of the actual entered dates. Which defeats the purpose of being able to format the cells. Thanks for the quick response though! I appreciate any help I can get.
BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 149
Feb 3, 2015 at 01:48 PM
Here is a solution by Karl some time ago. I hope it still holds true ...

Karl- Oct 19, 2010 09:30PM

I have had this problem for a long time and the only solution I have found is this.
1) (Save As) a Tab Deliminated.txt file.
2) Open New Excel
3) Open File and choose Tab Deliminated Option.
4) Go to each Date column and select it and chose Date DMY, MDY(Whichever) format.
5) Select Finish.
All dates should now format ok.
Thanks Brian,

Unfortunately, I think the file is corrupted. I copied and pasted it into a new file and it corrected whatever was wrong. Thanks again.

BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 149
Feb 3, 2015 at 06:09 PM
So you are all done now?