DELL Studio 15 touchpad problem on serie

Madmyke - Apr 4, 2009 at 04:20 AM
 srmd - Sep 25, 2012 at 08:29 PM

This little communication to warn user or future user of Dell Studio Serie 15 that this computer seems to have a common problem on a part of Dell Studio with touchpad media Key (above the keyboard). The reported problem is that this panle is not working not propely from the first days.


Form the first days, when booting, even if the panel light at startup, it is impossible to use it, as when pressing keys, nothing happends.

Often also the eject key light itself after some minutes, stay active (ligts) and eject any CD DVD present in the laptop. If you try to put if again, the CD/DVD will be ejected again and again.

This (botht) happens not every time but often lets says 1 time on 2 or 3.

One temporay solution is to shut down, remove the battery, reinstall it, and restart, but the problem will be out for only a few startups.

Dell Vous invite à faire un upgrade du Bios et du quicksetdell (sof), cela ne sert strictement à rien, divers forum et moi même pouvons le confirmer.

Dell will ask you to upgrade Bios and the soft Dellquickset, but this manip really dont resolve anything.

Another Solution proposed by Dell (and not for common user) is to unmout, check and remont the touchpad itself (see HERE), but others users and myself did test it, this operation does NOT resolve anything.

Only solution is to replace de touchpad and even this sometimes dont resolve anything (tested by some customers already), or the computer replacement:-(, as it seems that Dell ignore this problem as a Studio serial default. As maybe the default itself.

Somes forums speaks about this known problem (by csutomer) (in french ICI or english (HERE and have a look on google)

If you plan to buy a STudio serie maybve examine the possibilitly to change your mind before trouble.

1 response

locklessmonster Posts 19 Registration date Monday December 29, 2008 Status Member Last seen June 18, 2009 10
Apr 4, 2009 at 07:05 AM
thank you for your tips, i will remember that!
you can install intel proset wifi link tools driver