Without routing two pc can ping

sushil - Dec 2, 2015 at 09:23 AM
Skyl3r Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday December 9, 2015 Status Member Last seen December 9, 2015 - Dec 9, 2015 at 09:38 AM
when I take two router and connected one pc to one router and other pc connected to other router.they pc can ping without any routing.

1 response

Skyl3r Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday December 9, 2015 Status Member Last seen December 9, 2015
Dec 9, 2015 at 09:38 AM
Are the routers connected?
Are they on the same subnet?
What IP address do the computers have, routers have and what IP address are you pinging?

There's not a lot of information here to give you a solid answer.

My best guess is that you have the routers connected LAN to LAN. This would put everything connected to the router's on the same network. If you connect the WAN port on one router to the LAN port on the other; then you would get the routing that you're expecting.