Conditional Formatting

Snowhite66 - Oct 28, 2016 at 11:59 AM
 Snowhite66 - Oct 31, 2016 at 11:27 AM
On my spreadsheet I have the following formulas on a date; Ex.J6+30=K6(Due Date), then Today()-K6=L6 (Days to implemetation). Now, when I have no dates on J6, k6 shows 1/30/00 and -42641 on L6(past due dates). I think what I need is a condition on K6 stating that if no dates on J6, leave K6 and L6 blank or "N/A". Can someone help?

1 response

Mazzaropi Posts 1985 Registration date Monday August 16, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen May 24, 2023 147
Oct 28, 2016 at 01:55 PM
Snowhite66, Good afternoon.

Try to use:

K6 --> =IF(J6="", "", J6+30)

L6 --> =IF(K6="", "", TODAY()-K6)

Is that what you want?
I hope it helps.
Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
Marcílio Lobão
Thank you for your answer, unfortuantely I can get this work :-(
This seems to work;

On the cell

=IF(J6=0,"N/A", (K6-TODAY()))