The discussions

How to get password

where do i get password


Concanating text using vlookup forumula

Hi, Anybody help me to suggest a formula .  Attached Sample file link Below: I am looking for formula at B11 .. it give...


Where can i get the license for doctranslate software

Where can I get the license for doc translate software?  Thank you.


How can i et product key for ms office 2019

Hello, Where can I find the product key for MS OFFICE 2019? Thankyou. Edith


Copy data from one excel sheet to another: automatically

Dear All, Anybody help me to transfer the data from main database sheet to other sheets based on sheet name condition. i.e., The data from B6 to Q6 f...


Spacebar adding lines

spacebar adding lines under dots.  Dots equal spaces,, but lines don't go away when removing the character symbol in the ribbon.  Can't get rid of the...


Ms office 2010 activation key

How to use micro soft office 2023


Change phone number on email account

The phone number used for security on our email is not in srvi ce any more. How can we  change it?


How can i get prodoct key for office 2010

kindly help me to activate microsoft office 2010


Change color of cell automatically

I am working on excel . want to change color of cell  automatically  as per color of another cell. Color of another cell changes automatic as per form...


Excel formula: ​ two financial year ends for one client

Hello, Thank you so much for putting time aside in helping me with the following formula. In Column O on the Main sheet, I do a VLOOKUP from the mas...

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