Europe phone country codes: call from the US, Canada

In order to call someone who is located in a different country, you need to enter the person's country code before you enter the phone number. Like all countries, those in Europe have their own set of country codes that vary by zone and by individual country. This article will introduce you to the complete list.
How to call Europe from USA or Canada
To call a European mobile phone number from the US and Canada, you will need to use the international exit code and the country code for the phone number you want to call. So do the following:
- Dial 011 (international exit code; if you are dialing from a mobile phone, you can enter a + instead of the 011)
- Enter the country code (for example, 34 for Spain)
- Dial mobile phone number.
If you are calling a landline phone number, the receiving number must have an area or city code. In this case:
- Dial 0 after the country code.
- Enter region or city code.
- Enter phone number.
How to call from one European country to another
If you are calling from a number in any European country to a number in another country in Europe, dial 00 (if dialing from a mobile phone, you can enter a + instead of the 00).
Below you will find a list of telephone codes for countries in Europe.
Country Codes in Zone 1 of Europe
- +30 - Greece
- +31 - Netherlands
- +32 - Belgium
- +33 - France
- +34 - Spain
- +350 - Gibraltar
- +351- Portugal
- +352 - Luxembourg
- +353 - Ireland
- +354 - Iceland
- +355 - Albania
- +356 - Malta
- +357 - Cyprus
- +358 - Finland
- +359 - Bulgaria
- +36 - Hungary
- +37 - formerly used for GDR - now +49
- +370 - Lithuania
- +371 - Latvia
- +372 - Estonia
- +373 - Moldova
- +374 - Armenia
- +375 - Belarus
- +376 - Andorra
- +377 - Monaco
- +378 - San Marino
- +379 - Vatican
- +38 - formerly used for Yugoslavia
- +380 - Ukraine
- +381 - Serbia and Montenegro
- +385 - Croatia
- +386 - Slovenia
- +387 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
- +388 - European Telephony Numbering Space
- +389 - Macedonia
- +39 - Italy
- +3906 - Vatican
Country Codes in Zone 2 of Europe
- +40 - Romania
- +41 - Switzerland
- +42 - formerly used for Czechoslovakia
- +420 - Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
- +421 - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
- +422 - Unassigned
- +423 - Liechtenstein
- +43 - Austria
- +44 - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (including Isle of Man and Channel Islands)
- +45 - Denmark
- +46 - Sweden
- +47 - Norway
- +48 - Poland
- +49 - Germany