Here are 5 requests you should never type into Google, or you'll be in for a nightmare!

Here are 5 requests you should never type into Google, or you'll be in for a nightmare!

Nowadays, we've become accustomed to trusting search engines and the results they provide. However, it's better to avoid entering potentially harmful queries into Google. Read this article to find out what you should never ask Google about.

Remember that everything you type on the Internet can be used against you (in the worst-case scenario). So be careful about what you type on Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other web browser.

Don't seek medical solutions on the Internet

The first thing many of us do when feeling sick is to search for symptoms online. However, the information provided by various clinics and web resources can often be anxiety-provoking. Instead of panicking over the experiences of forum members, it's better to seek direct information from a qualified professional. If you're concerned, make an appointment to see your doctor. Similarly, avoid relying on online diet advice. You'll find all kinds of answers, some of which can be unconventional and even dangerous. Miraculous diets that prompt monthly subscriptions do not work as magically as they seem; it's better to consult a registered nutritionist if you're facing dietary issues.

Don't search for your favorite TV show or movie online

How many times have you been frustrated by stumbling upon spoilers for your favorite series? If you want to get the most out of your series or movie, keep in mind that the Internet is full of spoilers. It's best to wait until the end of your series/season/movie to seek additional information.

Avoid typing your personal data on the web

On the Internet, your data is not always encrypted and can be retrieved by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), the search engine, or the websites you visit. Therefore, refrain from entering your personal details (first name, surname, age, gender, address, etc.) into Google. This information is confidential and should not fall into the hands of individuals with malicious intentions. For maximum security, consider using tools like VPNs to encrypt your data, even on public Wi-Fi networks.

Refrain from typing advertising-friendly subjects

Queries such as "Where to go on vacation this summer" or "What shoes should I buy for summer" could lead to unwanted consequences if typed into Google. Once search engines and advertising networks recognize your intentions, it can be challenging to avoid intrusive ad suggestions. If you don't want internet ads recommending your next destination or a specific shoe brand in an intrusive way, switch to private browsing. Most browsers allow you to browse privately, preventing cookies from being deposited in the browser; you're not anonymous, but at least you won't be spammed by specific advertising messages.

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Don't trust financial queries

In recent years, the number of misleading ads for money-related services has grown exponentially, with many being pure scams. It's essential to steer clear of these scams, as some may even use fake bank logos to deceive victims. While Google does a commendable job of keeping things separate, criminals may occupy top results on the search engine. A fake advert with the wrong URL but the same design as the official site can steal your login details.