Physicist presents scientific evidence that we live in a computer simulation

Physicist presents scientific evidence that we live in a computer simulation

An experiment seeks to confirm the "fifth state of matter in the universe" and suggests we live in a simulation. This discovery would potentially change physics as we know it.

Dr. Melvin Vopson, a physicist from the University of Portsmouth, USA, has provided scientific evidence for a philosophical theory known as the simulation hypothesis. This is the idea that the entire universe and our objective reality are in fact virtual realities. One of the well-known proponents of this theory is Elon Musk. Dr. Vopson emphasizes that recent advancements in information physics support this theory. 

Information physics suggests that physical reality is comprised of bits of information. Dr. Vopson is currently working to prove that information has physical mass and is the fundamental building block of the universe, claiming that information might be linked to dark matter which makes up nearly a third of the universe. If he is found to be correct, he will will have discovered that information is the firth form of matter, alongside solids, liquids, gas and plasma. 

In a previous study, the physicist proposed that elementary particles, the universe's smallest components store information, similar to human DNA. In 2022, he unveiled the second law of infodynamics, revealing that entropy in isolated information systems either remains constant or decreases over time. 

Dr. Vopson has employed this law across various disciplines, from genetics to cosmology and even symmetry. He has found that the prevalence of symmetry in the universe, like snowflakes and facial structure, aligns with the principles of the second law of infodynamics. Stating that nature favors orderliness, akin to the process of computer code compression to conserve storage and energy. This perspective is compatible with the notion of living within a simulation.

"If information is a key component of everything in the universe, then it would make sense if there were a massive computer somewhere managing it. If we assume the universe is indeed a simulation, then it should contain many bits of information hidden all around us" explains the researcher.

The proposed experiment is based on his conclusion that information is physical and that elementary particles have DNA-like information about themselves. The scientist believes that the information in an elementary particle can be detected and measured using particle and antiparticle collisions. "We can measure the informational content of a particle by erasing it. If we remove the information from the particles, we can see what remains," comments Dr. Vopson. This experiment could truly revolutionize physics as we know it.