Beware of Fake Job Offers from Airbnb on WhatsApp

Beware of Fake Job Offers from Airbnb on WhatsApp

Have you received a message via WhatsApp or social media claiming you can earn money with a simple task for Airbnb? If so, be cautious. Scammers are using this tactic more and more often to commit advance fee fraud, causing significant financial losses.

This year, internet scammers have reached unbelievable 'success', and it seems that fraud is simply everywhere. Recent reports from various readers indicate that many individuals have been approached by scammers via WhatsApp, Telegram, and social media platforms. The fraudsters promise easy money in exchange for completing simple tasks. 

In recent schemes, people are added to WhatsApp groups without their consent. These groups are usually led by someone pretending to be an employee of Airbnb's promotional team. "Scams by third parties and the unlawful use of our logo have nothing to do with Airbnb," emphasizes Rosa Dinnissen from Airbnb. "When we are made aware of these types of scams, we immediately investigate them and work with external parties to take follow-up steps."

How the Scam Works

Participants in these groups are often asked to like three Airbnb listings, with a promise of earning $10 for each completed task. To build trust, scammers sometimes pay the initial small amounts in cryptocurrency. But it also happens that scammers use a fake page to show that a payout is ready for you.

After a few simple tasks, participants are told that only more extensive assignments are available. These assignments supposedly offer earnings of $100 to $200 per day, requiring registration in a new group on apps like Telegram. As participants complete these tasks, their supposed earnings accumulate quickly. Naturally, they then want to cash out. This is where the scam becomes evident.

Scammers create various excuses for why payment cannot be processed immediately, such as the need to validate your data or cover certain costs. They then ask for an advance payment to resolve these issues. However, once you make this payment, you lose the money, and the promised payout never materializes. 

How to Protect Yourself

To avoid falling victim to these scams, the Fraud Help Desk advises against responding to work-from-home offers received through chat apps and social media. Additionally, it emphasizes that you should never pay for a job where you are supposed to be paid.

In conclusion, it's essential to stay vigilant and skeptical of unsolicited job offers promising easy money, especially those received via chat apps and social media. Scammers are becoming more sophisticated in their tactics, making it crucial to verify any job opportunity thoroughly before engaging. Remember, if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Protect yourself by being aware of these scams and sharing this information with others to help prevent further financial losses.