Chrome Browser Expands with Long-Awaited Feature - Many Will Be Pleased

For those who prefer audio books and listening to content whilst they do other things, Google Chrome has finally added this eagerly awaited feature.
Google Chrome, one of the most popular browsers, is expanding with an exciting new feature that will make life easier for its users. Google Chrome is adding a new feature that allows users to have web pages read aloud.
This new Read Aloud feature can be accessed in the top right corner of Chrome, indicated by three dots. Essentially, you can turn any standard webpage into a podcast: the audio can be paused, skipped forward and backward, and its speed adjusted.
However, to use this feature, you need to activate Chrome version 125 or newer. To do this, enter the following command in the browser bar: chrome://flags/#read-aloud and enable the M125 experimental "flag." It's important to note that Google Chrome cannot read all web pages aloud; this feature only works on pages with special markers that help identify the main content of the page.
Google Chrome on Android is set to receive a significant update to its Read Aloud feature, which will soon support background playback. This means you can listen to online articles on Chrome for mobile even when the browser is not in use. Google is currently testing this functionality, with Gerrit updates confirming the development.
The #read-aloud-background-playback flag states, "Add support for background playback for Read Aloud." Currently, on Android, the Read Aloud feature allows users to have articles read aloud by selecting "Listen to this page" from the menu, displaying a mini-player with controls for speed and voice selection, and highlighting the text being read.
Previously, playback would stop if Chrome was not active in the foreground. The new update will ensure playback continues even when Chrome is running in the background with the screen on. On the desktop version, the Read Aloud feature already supports background playback when the Chrome tab is minimized, though switching tabs still stops playback.
This new feature should now be available. If you can't access it yet, try updating your Chrome browser to the latest version.