Avocados Stay Perfect for a Month With This Simple Preservation Technique

Avocados Stay Perfect for a Month With This Simple Preservation Technique

As nice as they are, avocados are hard to keep fresh because they tend to go bad quickly. However, there's a simple and quick method to keep them ripe for weeks !

Avocados are rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals, making them a creamy, flavorful treat year round. However, their quick ripening process can be frustrating. Avocado lovers know the disappointment of seeing them spoil and turn black within a few days, even when stored in the fridge.

Fortunately, there's a simple and cost effective trick to keep them fresh longer. All you need are two common ingredients: water and vinegar. This method may sound unusual, but washing avocados in an acidic solution helps kill bacteria on the skin, extending their shelf life.

To determine if an avocado is ripe, simply look at and touch it. A ripe avocado has dark green, bumpy skin. When it's not ripe, the skin is lighter and smooth. Look at and gently press the fruit. If it's slightly tender and not completely hard, it's ripe. If it's hard and difficult to press, it's not ready and needs more time.

When the avocado is ripe, the preservation tip is simple: prepare a solution of three parts cold water to one part distilled white vinegar (5%). Wait two minutes for the ingredients to mix well. Then, carefully submerge the avocado in the solution for about a minute. This step should remove the bacteria and mold from the fruit's surface, which are responsible for its rapid deterioration. After the vinegar bath, rinse it with clear water and let it air dry. Then store the avocados in the fridge as usual. 

This technique offers several significant advantages. Besides extending the freshness of avocados for about a month, it does not alter their taste or texture. Plus, white vinegar, known for its natural disinfectant properties, is inexpensive and readily available. You can enjoy fresh avocados for an extended period while avoiding premature waste, hopefully reducing food waste!

Be cautious, as many people on social media recommend storing avocados in water. Do not do this! This method could make you sick, as it encourages bacterial growth, which will then contaminate the fruit. In short, it has the opposite effect of what you want!