What to Do If Your iPhone Gets Wet and Shows a Liquid Detection Warning

What to Do If Your iPhone Gets Wet and Shows a Liquid Detection Warning

During the summer, it's common to take your iPhone with you to places like the beach, pool, or river. While you may not intend for your phone to get wet, accidents happen. Luckily, most iPhones are water-resistant, meaning they can handle being submerged in water without serious damage. However, water can still cause issues, especially with the charging port, which might stop working properly.

Liquid Detection Alert

If your iPhone comes into contact with water, the charging port is likely to get wet since it's exposed on the outside of the phone. When this happens, your iPhone will detect the moisture and display a warning if you try to charge it. This can be frustrating, especially if your battery is low and you need to charge your phone.

One option iOS offers is to charge the phone in an emergency, despite the wet connector. However, this is not recommended because charging a wet iPhone can cause permanent damage to the device. It's important to be patient and allow the phone to dry out completely.

What Are The Safe Charging Options?

The best way to charge your iPhone when the charging port is wet is to use a wireless charger, if available. Wireless charging doesn't rely on the port, so you can safely charge your phone without risking damage.

If you don't have access to a wireless charger, the only solution is to wait for the moisture to evaporate. Place your iPhone in a cool, dry spot and avoid using heat sources like the sun, hairdryers, or any other devices that could potentially harm your phone. You can gently blow on the port or use natural air circulation to help speed up the drying process.

What Not to Do

Contrary to popular belief, Apple advises against using rice to dry out your iPhone. While this is a commonly suggested remedy, it can actually be harmful to your device. The best approach is to do nothing but wait patiently for the moisture to dissipate. Keep in mind that it might take several hours or even a full day for your phone to dry completely.

It's also wise to avoid submerging your iPhone in water if it has a low battery. If your phone is close to running out of power and you can't charge it due to moisture, you could be left with a non-functional device for an extended period.

If you've encountered the liquid detection warning on your iPhone, you know how inconvenient it can be. It might seem like a hassle to wait for your phone to dry, but this precaution helps prevent accidental damage to your waterproof iPhone. While it's easy to forget that your phone was recently wet and attempt to charge it too soon, doing so can cause serious harm. The best course of action is to wait. Use a wireless charger if you have one, but avoid forcing a charge through the wet port. By being cautious, you can ensure your iPhone stays in good condition and avoid unnecessary repairs or replacements.