YouTube Will Stop Recommending This Type of Content to Users

YouTube Will Stop Recommending This Type of Content to Users

YouTube has decided to restrict videos that it claims idealize certain fitness levels and body weights.

We know that YouTube directs us to certain videos, capturing our interests or even creating new ones. Conversely, there are categories of videos that the platform strives to limit. This doesn't necessarily mean prohibited content; for example, fitness and training videos aimed at young users. The platform will ensure its algorithms do not recommend videos to teenagers that idealize certain fitness levels, body weights, or physical features, following warnings from experts that such content could be harmful if viewed repeatedly. These could include videos about beauty routines or exercise programs that promote certain appearances.

Will these videos be completely removed? Not exactly. The platform will still allow teens under 17 to watch these videos, but YouTube will no longer make repeated recommendations on these topics to teens who have indicated their age on the platform.

YouTube has its own experts and advisors who set standards for these restrictions. The new restrictions have already been introduced in the United States and are slowly being implemented in the rest of the world. According to a survey conducted in the United Kingdom, almost one in four girls is dissatisfied with their appearance. "There is at least an acknowledgment here that changing algorithms is a positive action that platforms like YouTube can take," said Sonia Livingstone, a professor of social psychology, in an interview with The Guardian. If you have teenagers at home, it is essential to ensure that their YouTube accounts indicate their age to help protect them.

This move by YouTube is part of a broader trend among tech companies to address concerns over the impact of social media on young people's mental health. Studies have shown that constant exposure to unrealistic beauty standards can contribute to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and even eating disorders. By adjusting its recommendation algorithms, YouTube aims to create a safer online environment for young users, encouraging healthier content consumption habits and reducing the pressure to conform to unattainable ideals. This decision also reflects a growing recognition of the platform's responsibility to its users, particularly those most vulnerable to the negative effects of certain types of content.