A Podcast Made of Receipts, Bank Accounts, or Recipes? This AI Model is Causing a Stir

A Podcast Made of Receipts, Bank Accounts, or Recipes? This AI Model is Causing a Stir

Released in September, Google NotebookLM's Audio Overview—a new AI service—turns any text into a podcast with a single click. Try it yourself, and you'll be amazed at how authentic these conversations sound.

With this tool, you can turn any document, text, or link into a "participatory audio discussion" between two AI presenters, completely free of charge and within minutes. That's right—you get a lively and engaging conversation between two voices, male and female, that sounds just like a real conversation between two live people!

Audio Overview can be particularly useful for people who find it easier to absorb information by listening. However, some experts caution that while impressive, the capabilities of this technology should not be overestimated. It cannot replace real people, as it often "stumbles" over subtle nuances and struggles to isolate key ideas from a large amount of content. Time will tell if this technology can become a serious tool or if it will remain primarily an entertaining novelty.

To create an "audio discussion," simply upload a link or text, click the Deep Dive Conversation button, and within a few minutes, the system will generate an audio file featuring a conversation on your chosen topic. Unlike other AI chatbots, Audio Overview only uses the information provided by the user and doesn't search for additional context on the Internet. Plus, it's completely free!

Currently, Audio Overview is in test mode and only produces dialogues in English, although you can upload materials in other languages. The creators acknowledge that it's still experimental and has limitations. For instance, on larger files, it may take several minutes to generate an audio overview. Additionally, the AI "actors" sometimes get content details wrong, and the conversation cannot be interrupted.

Users have eagerly begun testing the tool, creating podcasts from everything they can think of—from simple store receipts and everyday conversations to entire Wikipedia articles.

Audio Overview also offers users a unique and surprising way to engage with content. Whether you're reviewing work documents, exploring new topics, or simply listening to something interesting on your commute, Audio Overview provides a quick and interactive way to consume information.