Colorpicker is a stunning application to quickly pick any color from any source you wish. Featuring a nice and clean interface, it also allows you to finely tune and compose your colors, store and categorize them, and it truly eases your color composition processes.
What are the key features of Colorpicker?
- Interface: Colorpicker provides an efficient and modern interface from which you can access all the different features and shortcuts. In addition, the Focus mode helps keep a pure interface and improve your color perception.
- Picker: The handy Picker allows you to quickly retrieve any color from anywhere on the screen, whether on your application, like Photoshop, your browser, or whatever.
- Colorsbook: The Colorsbook is a full-fledged application wherein you can store all the colors you picked or created in different categories. That way, it has never been easier to store and retrieve colors and use them effortlessly.

- Shading: Colorpicker also allows you to find, edit, or compose your own color thanks to the three different tint bars, including a chromatic bar, a natural bar, and a shadow bar.
- Random: This is a funny feature you can use to generate random colors.
- Customizable: The Settings menu lets you customize the toolbar's appearance, the available shortcuts, the Picker settings, and more.

How to use Colorpicker?
Once launched, you can select any of the tools on the toolbar and start using Colorpicker. For example, click on the Picker and pick a color anywhere on your screen to see the hexadecimal equivalent in Colorpicker.
Is it free?
Colorpicker is free to use.
Is it safe?
Colorpicker is a safe, open-source application you can use with total peace of mind. You can consult the privacy policy to know more about it.