MOREFUNC (Macro add-in for EXCEL) free for PC

(1.4 Mo)
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  • 3 votes 5 / 5
  • Developer Laurent Longre
  • Version 5.06
  • License Freeware
  • Language en

MOREFUNC is an add-in for Excel offering 67 new worksheet functions for Excel. These functions are compatible with Excel 95-2007. They are only portable on Windows OS.

What are the key features of MOREFUNC (Macro add-in for EXCEL)?

Date and time

  • DATEDIFF: returns the elapsed time between two dates in years, months and days
  • DIMPAQUE: returns the date of Easter Sunday for a given year
  • WEEKNUM: Calculates the week number of a date (according to ISO standard)


  • EVA: Evaluates a given expression as text
  • INDIRECT.EXT: returns the contents of a cell or a range contained in a closed workbook
  • MRFVERSION: returns MOREFUNC version number
  • WORKBOOKNAME: returns the name of the current workbook
  • SHEETNAME: returns the name of a sheet in the current workbook
  • PAGENUM: returns the page number of a cell
  • TEXTEFORMULA: returns the formula of a cell
  • READ.XLM.CELL: returns information about formatting, location or contents of a cell
  • READ.XLM.WORKBOOK: returns information about the current document
  • READ.XLM.DOCUMENT: returns information about the current sheet or workbook
  • READ.XLM.ENV: returns information about the environment


  • RANDOM: returns a set of integers from 0 or 1 randomly arranged and without repetition
  • MAT.ROUND: returns a rounded balanced picture
  • CHBASE: converts a value of a digital database to another
  • DETERMAT.EXT: returns the determinant of a matrix of big size
  • HEX.AND: performs a AND logical function on hexadecimal numbers
  • HEX.FORMAT: formats a hexadecimal number to the number of specified bits
  • HEX.NEG: reverses the sign of a hexadecimal number
  • HEX.NOT: reverse the bits of a hexadecimal number (NOT logical)
  • HEX.OR: performs a logical OR of hexadecimal numbers
  • HEX.SUM: returns the sum of hexadecimal numbers
  • INVERSEMAT.EXT: inverses a matrix of big size
  • AVERAGEMARK.GEO.EXT: geometric average mark supporting calculation of capacity
  • MOYPOND: returns a weighted average
  • NP.ISPRIME: test if a number is prime (probabilistic method)
  • NP.NEXT: returns the smallest prime number greater than or equal to the indicated number
  • PRODUITMAT.EXT: performs matrix multiplication between large tables


  • ECARTYPE.GROUP: evaluates the standard deviation of a population grouped in classes
  • ECARTYPEP.GROUP: calculates the standard deviation of a population grouped in classes
  • MMAX: returns the N largest values in a table
  • MMIN: returns the N smallest values in a table
  • NB.DIFF: returns the number of distinct values in a range
  • NB.SI.3D: conditional enumeration on a 3D range
  • VAR.GROUP: estimates population variance group classes
  • VARP.GROUP: calculates population variance group classes


  • ANSI128: removes accents from a string
  • MCONCAT: concatenates all values in a range or table
  • NB.MOTS: returns the number of words in a text
  • NBTEXTE: transcribes a number in words (13 supported languages)
  • REGEX.COMP: tests the presence of a regular expression in a text
  • REGEX.NBCAR: returns the number of characters in a regular expression found in a text
  • REGEX.NUMBER: counts the number of occurrences of a regular expression in a text
  • REGEX.STXT: extracts a sub- string using regular expressions
  • REGEX.SUBSTITUTE: replaces characters in a text using a regular expression
  • REGEX.FIND: returns the position of a regular expression in a text
  • STEXT: returns a word or a group of words located at a certain position in a text
  • TEXTEINVERSE: reverses the order of characters in a text

Automatic sorting

  • TRIH: sorts the columns in a range or table (up to 14 sort keys)
  • TRIH.IDX: returns the index of a horizontal tri
  • IVRT: sorts the rows of a table or a range (up to 14 sort keys)
  • TRIV.IDX: returns the index of a vertical sorting
  • UNIQUE.VALUE: returns the unique values of a data set

Other functions

  • SHIFTWORKSHEET: returns an offset track or multiple sheets
  • DERCELL: returns the last non-empty cell or range of worksheet
  • DVAR: save value in a temporary variable
  • LVAR: recover the value of a temporary variable
  • REMINDER: returns the last contents of the calling cell
  • REGION: returns the area of a cell (similar to the CurrentRegion method in VBA)
  • SUITE: generates an increasing sequence of integers
  • TAB.FILTRE: returns only the visible cells in a range
  • TAB.JOIN: assemble scattered elements in an array
  • TAB3D: assembles the values of a 3D reference in a single table
  • MERGE.SHIFT: performs a shift on a union of disjoint ranges