How to find a particular desktop in a network

Prem - Updated on May 23, 2018 at 12:42 PM
 Blocked Profile - May 24, 2018 at 04:48 PM
Please help to find a particular desktop out of various desktop in workgroup in LAN. What is components to check machanism to indentify desktop is in use or not

1 response

Blocked Profile
May 24, 2018 at 04:48 PM
Well, are you using Powershell? with CMD prompt, you could always PING the PC, and assume if it is on it is being used.....

Powershell syntax as follows:

Get-CimInstance –ComputerName "YOURCOMPUTER NAME" –ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object UserName

Does this help?

If not, we need details about what tools you are expecting to use to find this out with!