DesktopHut allows you to customize your wallpaper and set a video file as a desktop background. Supporting high-quality video, it will add a pinch of fun to your environment.
What are the key features of DesktopHut?
- Animated wallpaper: You have access to an extensive collection of video loops you can play and dynamically activate an animated wallpaper.
- High-quality: Don't think that DesktopHut traded innovation for quality, as it supports HD and full HD videos.
- Monitors and sound: It works flawlessly with dual monitors and playback with or without sounds.

How to use DesktopHut?
Once installed, you can enable DesktopHut at your PC startup and turn the sound on or off. Also, choose the wallpaper you want and click on Play.
Is it free?
DesktopHut is free to use.
Is it safe?
DesktopHut is considered safe to use.
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