Database and PHP (or HTML) hyperlinks

BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 - Updated on Oct 8, 2018 at 11:07 AM
 Blocked Profile - Oct 10, 2018 at 05:21 PM
I have found myself with a bit of time on my hands so I'm revisiting a PHP web site I developed some time ago whilst messing about so I thought I would see if I could learn more tricks. I found a spot to play in my script so thought Id try to develop it further ...

Im having trouble finding out how to pull data from my database and display the results as hyperlinks which if the user clicks on they can be sent to another page. But I only want one page to go to which will break down the data a bit more.

What I have is (and I'm sure there is a better way) ...

// get data for Problem Category - eg password or system bug etc
$query = "SELECT problem_category.Problem_Type, COUNT(*) AS qty
FROM problem_category, raw_data
WHERE problem_category.Problem_ID=raw_data.Problem_category AND raw_data.Date BETWEEN '$start1' AND '$end1'
GROUP BY problem_category.Problem_Type

$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))

if (in_array('Problem A', $row, true)) {
echo '<a href="mydata-1">Problem A'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

if (in_array('Problem B', $row, true)) {
echo '<a href="mydata-2">Problem B'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

if (in_array('Problem C', $row, true)) {
echo '<a href="mydata-3">Problem C'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

What this does is list a set of problem types that occur between 2 dates, and the number of times they occurred - all on separate lines - Like this:

Problem A - (number of times it occurs)
Problem B - (number of times it occurs)
Problem C - (number of times it occurs)

I want to pass the "mydata-(x)" values into another (single) page - in a similar way to how forms work using the "get" or "post" command. When in the new page I will want to manipulate more data but thats not an issue ... yet. But the problem I have is getting into a new page and carrying over the mydata-(x) value. There has to be a better way than creating 3 more pages for the same data manipulation than having several pages doing the same thing.

I hope this makes sense.

There is a virtual beer waiting if anyone can find a better way.

4 responses

BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 149
Updated on Oct 8, 2018 at 11:07 AM
Well - there has to be a better way than this, but this does work ...

// get data for Problem Category - eg password or system bug etc
$query = "SELECT problem_category.Problem_Type, COUNT(*) AS qty
FROM problem_category, raw_data
WHERE problem_category.Problem_ID=raw_data.Problem_category AND raw_data.Date BETWEEN '$start1' AND '$end1'
GROUP BY problem_category.Problem_Type

$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))

if (in_array('Problem A', $row, true)) {
echo '<a href="mydata-1">Problem A'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

if (in_array('Problem B', $row, true)) {
echo '<a href="mydata-2">Problem B'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

if (in_array('Problem C', $row, true)) {
echo '<a href="mydata-3">Problem C'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

But now a new problem ...

I want to pass the "mydata-(x)" values into another (single) page - in a similar way to how forms work using the "get" or "post" command. When in the new page I will want to manipulate more data but thats not an issue ... yet. But the problem I have is getting into a new page and carrying over the mydata-(x) value. there has to be a better way than creating 3 more pages for the same data manipulation.

I hope this makes sense.

There is a virtual beer if anyone can find a better way.
Well sir, that is a good start. Just make the links inline with the code, like:

DisplayLine="<a href="""theservername\" & foldername & "\HereIsThePage.asp?article=" & ARTICLENAME(x) & _
"&page=" & ARTICLEPAGE(Z) & """>The link for Requested ( " & ARTICLENAME(x) & ", page " & ARTICLEPAGE(Z) & " is here</a>"

Will produce inline:
<a href="theservername\SomeFOlderName\HereIsThePage.asp?article=FindingLinks&page=3">The link for Requested FINDINGLINKS, page 3 is here</a>

Notice the THREE QUOTES (in order to escape the " you need to wrap the HREF!)

I hope that helps!

BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 149
Updated on Oct 8, 2018 at 08:35 PM
Thanks ac3mark,

Am I right in thinking that this isnt php.or html? I only know a little of these two languages so anything else is a little outside my scope and understanding.

I have got a little further, but Im sure this isnt right as it doesnt allow me to select the second link with the session being correct - it passes the first session found regardless of the link chosen. I have used sessions (which are declared in both pages) to do this. It looks like this ...

if (in_array('Problem A', $row, true)) {
$_SESSION['ProblemType'] = 'Problem A';
echo '<a href="mydata2.php">Problem A'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

if (in_array('Problem B', $row, true)) {
$_SESSION['ProblemType'] = 'Problem B';
echo '<a href="mydata2.php">Problem B'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

if (in_array('Problem C', $row, true)) {
$_SESSION['ProblemType'] = 'Problem C';
echo '<a href="mydata2.php">Problem C'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

Am I flogging a dead hoarse with this approach?
Blocked Profile
Oct 10, 2018 at 04:17 PM
Brian, I used the string as an example for what the line would be. I was hoping you would get the example, and use the language that you are using. It looks like you got the idea of what I was saying!
BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 149
Oct 9, 2018 at 04:01 PM
OMG - I dont believe how easy this was!

Page 1 has this code ...
// get data for Problem Category - eg password or system bug etc
$query = "SELECT problem_category.Problem_Type, COUNT(*) AS qty
FROM problem_category, raw_data
WHERE problem_category.Problem_ID=raw_data.Problem_category AND raw_data.Date BETWEEN '$start1' AND '$end1'
GROUP BY problem_category.Problem_Type

$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))

if (in_array('Problem A', $row, true)) {
echo '<a href="mydata.php?A">Problem A'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

if (in_array('Problem B', $row, true)) {
echo '<a href="mydata.php?B">Problem B'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

if (in_array('Problem C', $row, true)) {
echo '<a href="mydata.php?C">Problem C'." - (".$row["qty"].")</a> <br />";

The target page (mydata.php) has this code ...
$ProblemType = $_GET['ProblemType']

Then simply use the $ProblemType variable where it is needed in the script on that page.

Im sure there is a better answer, but this works.

I award myself 2 virtual beers!
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
Oct 9, 2018 at 05:22 PM
Virual beers are as dry as the inside of an angel's underwear.
Brian, you could in theory, send it back to the original code, and select case the problem. Now, the same page handles all of the control, and you are not bouncing back and forth between pages.

SOmething like:
if request("fix")="yes" then
do something
end if

if request("fix")="maybe" then
do something else
end if

Or better yet:
TheVariable = request("fix")
Select case TheVariable:

Case: Fix
do something

Case: maybe
something else

end case

Then, your query could even drill down to a specific query type. Just saying.

I spent 3 years developing a construction back end for managing projects and materials, and have over 608 ASP pages linked together in this manner.

<%'******copyright 2004
<%dim whnum, fromnum, partnum, Sdesc, strpartnumber
dim sCWHnum(), sGWHnum(100), sMWHnum(100)
dim sCpart(), sGpart(100), sMpart(100)
dim sCdesc(), sGdesc(100), sMdesc(100)
dim sChand(), sGhand(100), sMhand(100)
dim x,t,u,v,w,y,z
dim AC, AG, AM, AF, AH
dim strcastle

Set RC = CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")

strcxn="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & dbsource & ";Persist Security Info=False"

conn.Open strcxn

'######get the part
if whnum <> "" then
strcastle = "SELECT tblinventory.[wh#], tblinventory.[part #], tblinventory.Description FROM tblinventory WHERE (((tblinventory.[wh#])=" & whnum & "));"
end if

if partnum <> "" then
strcastle = "SELECT * from tblinventory WHERE [part #] ='" & partnum & "';"
end if

if Sdesc<>"" then
strcastle = "SELECT [wh#], [part #], description from TBLINVENTORY WHERE [description] LIKE '" & Sdesc & "' ORDER BY [part #];"
end if

if strpartnumber<>"" then
strcastle = "SELECT ID, LOT, cname from TBLCURRENTbath WHERE [cname] LIKE '" & strpartnumber & "';"
end if strcastle, CONN
if not RC.EOF then
redim preserve sCWHnum(AC+1)
redim preserve sCPart(AC+1)
redim preserve sCdesc(AC+1)
'redim preserve sChand(AC+1)

response.write("<h3><font color=red>No Records Match. <a href=javascript:history.back()>Back</a>")
end if
set RC=nothing
set CONN=nothing
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<title>Parts Lookup</title>

<TABLE style="border:none;">
<td valign=top><h3>List</h3><a href="javascript:history.back();" onmouseover="window.status='Go Back 1 page in history'; return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true">Back</a></td>
<%if strpartnumber<>"" then%>
<table border=1 cellspacing=0>
<tr><td align=center nowrap></TD><TD nowrap>Part ID#</TD><td nowrap>LOT</TD><td>Part Number (Common Name)</TD></TR>
<%for t = 0 to AC-1%>
<tr><td align=center> </TD><TD>
<a href="changeorder.asp?part=<%=sCWHnum(t)%>&slot=<%=sCPart(t)%>" target=_blank><%=sCWHnum(t)%></a> </TD><TD><%=sCpart(t)%> </TD><TD><font size=2><%=sCdesc(t)%> </TD></TR>
<TR><TD colspan=4><a href="cp.asp?wh=<%=sCWHnum(t)%>">Pick</a></TD></TR>
<table border=1 cellspacing=0>
<tr><td align=center nowrap>Cost</TD><TD nowrap>WH #</TD><td nowrap>Part #</TD><td>Description</TD></TR>
<TR><TD colspan=4><h3><%=partnum%></H3></td></tr>
<%for t = 0 to AC-1%>
<tr><td align=center> </TD><TD><a href="edit_inventory.asp?Submit=Submit&whnumber=<%=sCWHnum(t)%>"><%=sCWHnum(t)%></a> </TD><TD><%=sCpart(t)%> </TD><TD><font size=2><%=sCdesc(t)%> </TD></TR>
<TR><TD colspan=4><a href="cp.asp?wh=<%=sCWHnum(t)%>">Pick</a></TD></TR>
<%end if%>
<p> </p>