Different types of hubs based on the number of ports

AneeshGrover - Updated on Nov 30, 2018 at 11:39 AM
 AneeshGrover - Nov 30, 2018 at 12:04 PM
What are the different types of hubs based on the number of ports?

1 response

Jean-François Pillou Posts 18301 Registration date Monday February 15, 1999 Status Webmaster Last seen February 16, 2023  
Nov 30, 2018 at 11:41 AM

it depends if you are speaking about a USB hub or Ethernet Hub.

If you're speaking about Ethernet, a hub will work if there aren't too much ports, because the more ports there is, the more unefficient the hub is.

Starting over 8 ports (16, 24, 32, etc.), I would recommend to you to prefer a Switch which will be more efficient.
I want the different categories of Ethernet Hubs number of ports in them