My computer turns off without any warnings
Hello, my computer is just turning off while Playing games usch as fortnite. I’ve had this problem for about a halv year and tryed to do so much. I removed dust from the computer, changed my computer to another room (too see IF the power turns off because off the power and i have Also bought new things to fix (nothing helped) pls tell me what do lol
System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 12.0
- My computer turns off without any warnings
- My computer suddenly restarts without warning - Guide
2 responses
Registration date
Thursday February 28, 2019
Last seen
February 28, 2019
Feb 28, 2019 at 05:12 AM
Feb 28, 2019 at 05:12 AM
I know that feeling of yours. I had a similar problem too a few years ago. Maybe your Hardware gets a little bit to much heat while playing. Simple said. I can overheat. Most PCs will Shut down before anything bat happens to your hardware. So maybe you should try to lower the settings or try a better thing to put your Laptop on another surface. Can work wonders.
Feb 28, 2019 at 09:32 AM