I have a '0' that need's to be gone

Pupic4fun - Jul 20, 2021 at 08:11 PM
vcoolio Posts 1409 Registration date Thursday July 24, 2014 Status Moderator Last seen May 23, 2024 - Jul 21, 2021 at 07:58 PM
I have a file with two sheets.
In sheet2 I have cell A1 ='sheet1'!A1 (when I type something in cell A1 from sheet1 it's goes on A1 from sheet2)
My problem is that on A1 from sheet2 I have a "0" if nothing is inputed in A1 from sheet1... I want a 'blank space'.... can it be done with out complicating to much the file?


System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 14.2

2 responses

vcoolio Posts 1409 Registration date Thursday July 24, 2014 Status Moderator Last seen May 23, 2024 262
Jul 21, 2021 at 02:52 AM
Hello P4f,

Not unlike Mazzaropi's reply in your last thread, just changing the formula to an IF statement should work for you:-


I hope that this helps.

Work's great!!!!
Thank you so much!!!
vcoolio Posts 1409 Registration date Thursday July 24, 2014 Status Moderator Last seen May 23, 2024 262
Jul 21, 2021 at 07:58 PM
You're welcome P4f. I'm glad to have been able to assist.
