Problem with a HP Envy Hard Drive

Philiom Posts 2 Registration date Monday July 25, 2022 Status Member Last seen July 26, 2022 - Jul 25, 2022 at 04:28 PM
Irina2207 Posts 46 Registration date Friday January 21, 2022 Status Member Last seen June 26, 2023 - Aug 17, 2022 at 05:46 AM

Hi, I have a 2017 HP 17 Envy, recently the computer crashed after upgrading to Win 11 and I have tried various ways to get it to work, I got " Critical Process Died" and went through several options to recover, each time a different problem occurred in CMD. I have now decided to get a SSD and start again, my question is would I have to buy Windows again? Also the original Hard Drive from the HP Envy is a 1 TB in size but when I connect it through File Explorer on another laptop it only shows 458gb, 200 gb of this is free, its only showing Data that I have created, would this hard drive not have the Windows files on it or is that stored elsewhere? I would welcome any help.


3 responses

Irina2207 Posts 46 Registration date Friday January 21, 2022 Status Member Last seen June 26, 2023 34
Jul 26, 2022 at 02:57 AM

After upgrading to Windows 11, your applications have become unresponsive. This happens with apps that are not fully compatible with Windows 11.

Windows 11 provides better UI and other extensive features to Windows users compared to Windows 10. But, Windows 11 only works smoothly if the hardware requirements are met.

Users have faced problems with their computers after upgrading to Windows 11. You can fix these problems by enhancing the hardware requirements of your computer.

If you cannot fix your ruined computer, you can roll back to Windows 10. Also, clean installing Windows 10 is another option. But, it removes all your system drives data.

If you don't want to lose the data on your system drive, you need to create a backup. 

Philiom Posts 2 Registration date Monday July 25, 2022 Status Member Last seen July 26, 2022 1
Jul 26, 2022 at 05:35 AM

Thanks for the reply and your comments, to be honest I am getting fed up with Windows, finding out that there can be problems with existing software after being asked to upgrade by Windows is pretty galling..

I don't feel I should be jumping through hoops and wasting a ridiculous amount of time trying to fix something that was clearly the fault of Windows.

Rolling back to Win 10 is not something I have thought about, may give it a try, thanks!

I cant back any data up as the laptop has crashed, I took out the hard drive out of the crashed laptop but can only find data that I created, I cant find Windows in the File Explorer, my user file with all email info is in Windows directory.

Unfortunately the NAS backup has also failed so unable to recover anything on that at the moment. 

I am now wondering about Ubuntu! 

Irina2207 Posts 46 Registration date Friday January 21, 2022 Status Member Last seen June 26, 2023 34
Aug 17, 2022 at 05:46 AM


So if you cant do a backup then you can use data recovery software to recover your data. There is various data recovery software available online like stellar data recovery software. 

The software helps in getting immediate recovery of lost and deleted data in the absence of backup.

So don’t wait till a data loss situation arrives; take regular backups and include data recovery software to ensure a reliable data recovery strategy.