Cannot locate songs

Faze - Jul 7, 2009 at 07:55 PM
 Age - Jun 21, 2010 at 07:53 PM
I dont know what happen there are a lot of songs which I did not delete but my I tunes cannot locate and I cannot find when I search for the folders is there a way that I can recover them/Find them?

3 responses

fobvious5 Posts 259 Registration date Thursday May 14, 2009 Status Member Last seen September 30, 2010 15
Jul 8, 2009 at 03:02 AM

check in the location where the songs were stored, if they are not there, then you might have deleted them by mistake.

or it might be that the files were corrupted.
help i cant locate songs ? :S i am new to itunes and dont know what locate means???
This Might work,

open your start menu, start typing the name of the song/file, see results
go to search, and repeat above