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4 responses
First of all are you able to boot on windows ?
It may be because a compatibility problem ? try using the same mother board with another hardisk.
Also it may be a hardware problem ,or a power problem.
First of all are you able to boot on windows ?
It may be because a compatibility problem ? try using the same mother board with another hardisk.
Also it may be a hardware problem ,or a power problem.
Registration date
Saturday July 18, 2009
Last seen
July 20, 2009
Jul 19, 2009 at 06:04 PM
Jul 19, 2009 at 06:04 PM
I'm trying other monitors, video cards, power supplies, I think it's a incompatibility issue also but.....
It sounds like a power problem, if the power supply isn't above 450watts, you might need to get a better one, and the other issue that makes me smack my head, is make sure the processor fan is plugged in.. I've forgotten to plug it in the past, and that is exactly what happens. If it's plugged in, make sure it's spinning.