Countif formula

onkar - Jul 20, 2009 at 04:08 AM
 Trowa - Jul 20, 2009 at 08:18 AM
i would like to know the numbers from given all three condition at a time. My condition are as foollows-
1) How many students got marks between 60%-79% from the given range.
2) How many sc caste students got marks between 60%-79% from the given range.
3)How many boys got marks between 60%-79% from the given range.
Please take all condition in account and give the numbers.
60 sc boys
68 boys
75 open girls
86 sc boys
74 sc girls
65 open boys
70 sc girls
64 sc boys
76 open girls
72 open boys

1 response

Hi Onkar,

I don't fully understand you.

You've got 3 conditions: students, sc caste student and boys.
And 5 results: sc boys, boys, open girls, sc girls, open boys.
