Conditional Formatting

Fred - Jul 27, 2009 at 05:19 PM
 Trowa - Jul 28, 2009 at 06:37 AM

I'm trying to setup a spreadsheet where conditional formatting is used to populate a gantt chart based on dates entered. For example, columns A & B are for start / end dates for planning & analysis phase of project. Let's say for example C thru Z represent months by year (i.e., Jan 2009 thru Dec. 2020). I will be tracking by color the timeline for 5 phases (i.e., Planning & Analysis, Design thru Development, Testing, Training, and Implementation).

My problem is that excel 2003 only allows you to create 3 conditional formatting formulas. How do I create something similar to conditiona formatting for my other 2 pheases?

My current conditional formula is "Formula Is" = AND(I$5>=$G7,I$5<=$H7)

G5 / H5 have the start/finish dates to be entered
I5 has the date 1/7/09 (with each cell after +7days).

So when I type in a date in G5 / H5 it automatically populates and shades cells to = what those dates represent --- sort of creating a gantt chart type format.

1 response

Hi Fred,

I think I can help you.

Can you make a sheet named MDF. Use cell A1 and down to fill in your conditions. In your case you have 5 conditions so use cells A1:A5. Now format each condition the way you want to.

Now tell me in which cells I can find the conditions on your own sheets.
Lastly tell me which cells should receive the condional format.

Use the following link to upload your file (don't forget to remove any personal information).

Post the link you receive from speedyshare and I will do the rest.

I'll be wating for your next post.

Best regards,