Unable to install XP

breWtal Posts 1 Registration date Thursday September 10, 2009 Status Member Last seen September 11, 2009 - Sep 11, 2009 at 09:04 AM
sharpman Posts 1021 Registration date Saturday May 23, 2009 Status Contributor Last seen October 20, 2010 - Sep 11, 2009 at 07:09 PM
Originally my pc was running with Windows XP SP2, then for some unknown reason i started getting BSOD with a Bad_Pool_header message. I was unable to reinstall XP so I installed Ubuntu (linux), then when i found it wasnt capable of doing certain things i needed, i wanted to reinstall Windows XP.

The windows XP disk will not run on Ubuntu (even when setting boot order to read cd first i still get BSOD, preventing me from installing XP), so now, im basically stuck with a pc that might as well be a paperweight (not enough programs run on Ubuntu for it to be a viable OS for me)

Can anyone advise me how to get windows xp back onto my system?

Ive tried 4 different hard drives, thinkin one of them may have been the issue, but i get same msg with all

Please any advice would be greatly appreciated

1 response

sharpman Posts 1021 Registration date Saturday May 23, 2009 Status Contributor Last seen October 20, 2010 183
Sep 11, 2009 at 07:09 PM
have a read here. it may help

as a matter of interest what are you computer details?