Copy entire column if column title matches

Bethany2727 - Sep 24, 2009 at 10:24 AM
venkat1926 Posts 1863 Registration date Sunday June 14, 2009 Status Contributor Last seen August 7, 2021 - Sep 24, 2009 at 10:08 PM

After several attemps at writing a Macro I need help! I am working in Excel 2007.

I have several Columns some of which are labeled "keep" and some are labelled "delete"
Is there a Macro that could delete all the data in Columns where the Column title is "delete" and keep the rest of the data?

Alternatively the macro could copy only the columns that are labelled "keep" onto a new sheet in the same workbook.

Any help writing a Macro would be great.

Thank you

1 response

venkat1926 Posts 1863 Registration date Sunday June 14, 2009 Status Contributor Last seen August 7, 2021 811
Sep 24, 2009 at 10:08 PM
suppose that column headings (labels) are in row no 1 frrm A1 to right
in that case try ths macro (modify if necessary)
confirm if macro does what you want.

Sub test()
Dim del() As Range, rng As Range, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim add As String
On Error Resume Next
Set rng = Range(Range("A1"), Range("A1").End(xlToRight))

j = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "delete")
ReDim del(1 To j)
k = 1
Set del(k) = rng.Cells.Find(what:="delete", lookat:=xlWhole)
If del(k) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
add = del(1).Address
MsgBox del(k).Address
k = k + 1
Set del(k) = rng.Cells.FindNext(after:=del(k - 1))
If del(k) Is Nothing Then GoTo line1
If del(k).Address = add Then GoTo line1
MsgBox del(k).Address
k = k + 1
k = 0
For k = j To 1 Step -1
Next k

End Sub

mine is exscel 2002 version