Macro help...copying and pasteing
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Wednesday October 21, 2009
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Oct 22, 2009 at 09:45 AM
selflearner Posts 16 Registration date Wednesday October 21, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 12, 2010 - Oct 27, 2009 at 07:57 AM
selflearner Posts 16 Registration date Wednesday October 21, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 12, 2010 - Oct 27, 2009 at 07:57 AM
- Macro help...copying and pasteing
- Protect pdf from copying - Guide
- Spell number in excel without macro - Guide
- Macro excel download - Download - Spreadsheets
- Excel macro to create new sheet based on value in cells - Guide
- Online macro excel - Guide
10 responses
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Sunday June 14, 2009
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Oct 22, 2009 at 10:31 PM
Oct 22, 2009 at 10:31 PM
I am confused.
you want to copy C13 to C15(you cursor is in C13) to A13 to A15
but if you put cursor in A17 what do you want to copy A17 to A19 and where
I presume you mean the cursor is in C17 and c17 to c19 is to be copied to A17 to A19
in that case use tis macro
don't forget to keep the cursor at the proper place.
you want to copy C13 to C15(you cursor is in C13) to A13 to A15
but if you put cursor in A17 what do you want to copy A17 to A19 and where
I presume you mean the cursor is in C17 and c17 to c19 is to be copied to A17 to A19
in that case use tis macro
Sub test() Range(Selection, Selection.Offset(3, 0)).Copy Cells(Selection.Row, "A").PasteSpecial Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub
don't forget to keep the cursor at the proper place.
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Wednesday October 21, 2009
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Oct 23, 2009 at 08:14 AM
Oct 23, 2009 at 08:14 AM
Hi, Venkat 1926.
Sorry about the confussion, I'm new to this. I should have used C 13..C15 and A 13..A15. I'm trying to copy a row of cells that remain constant to where the cursor is. When I move the cursor the next time I have to copy the cells, the information is copied back to where I recorded the macro. I've tried with relative reference on and off. I also gave the place to be pasted a range name, pasted the cells, and deleted it (using the macro). I have a column of names with numbers in the rows next to them. I'm trying to use a macro to run after I enter a name in the coulmn, move right one cell, and if it is the same name as any of the above, I don't have to rewrite the row of cells next to it. I'm self learning and want to take this one step at a time. After I get the macro to work, I'll make macro buttons to match the names that is used alot. Later, I will work on some kind of box that would come up and I click on a name in it. Then the information will be copied. The spot where I want the pasted information changes but the spot to be copied is constant. Here is the macro I've tried. "this" is the range name I gave to the cells that is constant. "abc" is the range name that gets created to receive the paste and then gets deleted till the next time I run the macro. After the cells get pasted, I move two cells to the left.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "'SUB"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Names.Add Name:="abc", RefersToR1C1:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Names("abc").Comment = ""
Application.Goto Reference:="this"
Application.Goto Reference:="abc"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -2).Range("A1").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sorry about the confussion, I'm new to this. I should have used C 13..C15 and A 13..A15. I'm trying to copy a row of cells that remain constant to where the cursor is. When I move the cursor the next time I have to copy the cells, the information is copied back to where I recorded the macro. I've tried with relative reference on and off. I also gave the place to be pasted a range name, pasted the cells, and deleted it (using the macro). I have a column of names with numbers in the rows next to them. I'm trying to use a macro to run after I enter a name in the coulmn, move right one cell, and if it is the same name as any of the above, I don't have to rewrite the row of cells next to it. I'm self learning and want to take this one step at a time. After I get the macro to work, I'll make macro buttons to match the names that is used alot. Later, I will work on some kind of box that would come up and I click on a name in it. Then the information will be copied. The spot where I want the pasted information changes but the spot to be copied is constant. Here is the macro I've tried. "this" is the range name I gave to the cells that is constant. "abc" is the range name that gets created to receive the paste and then gets deleted till the next time I run the macro. After the cells get pasted, I move two cells to the left.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "'SUB"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Names.Add Name:="abc", RefersToR1C1:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Names("abc").Comment = ""
Application.Goto Reference:="this"
Application.Goto Reference:="abc"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -2).Range("A1").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
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Sunday June 14, 2009
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Oct 23, 2009 at 08:42 PM
Oct 23, 2009 at 08:42 PM
I am still confused.
When I move the cursor the next time I have to copy the cells, the information is copied back to
inforamtion, back etc vague terms.
when you say c13:c15 it is not the same row it is 3 rows in column c
you keep cursor in C13
copy c13Lc15 to A13:A15
next you keep cursor in A17
copy A17:A19 to be copied to c17"c19
is this what you want.
give a few examples using cell addresses.
When I move the cursor the next time I have to copy the cells, the information is copied back to
inforamtion, back etc vague terms.
when you say c13:c15 it is not the same row it is 3 rows in column c
you keep cursor in C13
copy c13Lc15 to A13:A15
next you keep cursor in A17
copy A17:A19 to be copied to c17"c19
is this what you want.
give a few examples using cell addresses.
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Wednesday October 21, 2009
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Oct 24, 2009 at 02:44 PM
Oct 24, 2009 at 02:44 PM
Hi, Venkat1926..
What I’m trying to do is save key strokes and learn how to write macros. I know it’s hard to understand, I don’t know the proper terms, yet. OK, here goes. Cell A1= DATE…Cell B1= NAME…Cell C1= HOURS…..Cell D1= GROSS…Cell E1= FEDERAL..Cell F1= STATE..Cell A2= 01/01/09….Cell B2= HOYT….Cell C2= 40…Cell D2= 0…Cell E2= 0…Cell F2= 0..Cell A3= 01/08/09…Cell B3= GREEN..Cell C3= 40…Cell D3= 0…Cell E3= 0…Cell F3=0….Cell A4= 01/17/09...Cell B4= JONES…Cell C4= 40..Cell D4= 0..Cell E4= 0…Cell F4=0 . What I already have is a macro that will freeze the sheet under the headings column, and puts the next available row of cells in the middle of the monitor (that I made using the record button many,many,many times) with the cursor under the heading “DATE” (A5). After I enter the new date and move one cell to the right (B5), if the name is the same as anyone above, and the information is the same, I want to get his name typed in and copy his information to the cells to the right. If the name is new, or if the information is not the same, I’ll have to type it in. After I get the macro to work, I’ll make different macros with different names and information. I’ll have a macro button with his name on it and click it, if the name is the same (and information). I don't want to get involved in "vlookup" yet. Later on, after my brain resets, I’ll work on making a message box that has the names in it that I can click on instead of buttons. By doing it this way, I’ll have macros to learn from. The problem I’m having is: First I gave the row of cells next to “JONES” from “HOURS to “STATE” (C4..F4) a range name of “this”. I’m going to have to type in the date so I won’t use it in the macro. I put the cursor in the next available cell under “NAMES” (B5) and using the record button I typed in JONES, then I moved one cell to the right (C5) and created a range name (“abc”) using CTRL+f3, then I did a goto(f5)" this” and right clicked to copy it, then did a goto (f5)" abc" and hit entered.The information gets pasted to the cells to the right of the name JONES. Then I moved 2 cells to the left (A5)(under “DATE”) and using CTRL+f3, I deleted the range name “abc” so I could create a new spot the next time. When I tried to use the macro a few cells down (B9) it would type in the name JONES but it would copy the range name “this” (C4..F4) back to were I recorded the macro. I got the same results using relative reference on or off. I’m only using JONES and the range of "this" (C4..F4) to write the macro. When I get this to work, I’ll make up range names for each person’s information. If it’s the same, the macro will do the work, if not I’ll have to type it in myself. The real one is about 60 rows long and 12 columns wide. Sorry to be so long winded.
What I’m trying to do is save key strokes and learn how to write macros. I know it’s hard to understand, I don’t know the proper terms, yet. OK, here goes. Cell A1= DATE…Cell B1= NAME…Cell C1= HOURS…..Cell D1= GROSS…Cell E1= FEDERAL..Cell F1= STATE..Cell A2= 01/01/09….Cell B2= HOYT….Cell C2= 40…Cell D2= 0…Cell E2= 0…Cell F2= 0..Cell A3= 01/08/09…Cell B3= GREEN..Cell C3= 40…Cell D3= 0…Cell E3= 0…Cell F3=0….Cell A4= 01/17/09...Cell B4= JONES…Cell C4= 40..Cell D4= 0..Cell E4= 0…Cell F4=0 . What I already have is a macro that will freeze the sheet under the headings column, and puts the next available row of cells in the middle of the monitor (that I made using the record button many,many,many times) with the cursor under the heading “DATE” (A5). After I enter the new date and move one cell to the right (B5), if the name is the same as anyone above, and the information is the same, I want to get his name typed in and copy his information to the cells to the right. If the name is new, or if the information is not the same, I’ll have to type it in. After I get the macro to work, I’ll make different macros with different names and information. I’ll have a macro button with his name on it and click it, if the name is the same (and information). I don't want to get involved in "vlookup" yet. Later on, after my brain resets, I’ll work on making a message box that has the names in it that I can click on instead of buttons. By doing it this way, I’ll have macros to learn from. The problem I’m having is: First I gave the row of cells next to “JONES” from “HOURS to “STATE” (C4..F4) a range name of “this”. I’m going to have to type in the date so I won’t use it in the macro. I put the cursor in the next available cell under “NAMES” (B5) and using the record button I typed in JONES, then I moved one cell to the right (C5) and created a range name (“abc”) using CTRL+f3, then I did a goto(f5)" this” and right clicked to copy it, then did a goto (f5)" abc" and hit entered.The information gets pasted to the cells to the right of the name JONES. Then I moved 2 cells to the left (A5)(under “DATE”) and using CTRL+f3, I deleted the range name “abc” so I could create a new spot the next time. When I tried to use the macro a few cells down (B9) it would type in the name JONES but it would copy the range name “this” (C4..F4) back to were I recorded the macro. I got the same results using relative reference on or off. I’m only using JONES and the range of "this" (C4..F4) to write the macro. When I get this to work, I’ll make up range names for each person’s information. If it’s the same, the macro will do the work, if not I’ll have to type it in myself. The real one is about 60 rows long and 12 columns wide. Sorry to be so long winded.
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Sunday June 14, 2009
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Oct 24, 2009 at 09:13 PM
Oct 24, 2009 at 09:13 PM
suppose your data is like this
you have date in the first four rows. with row1 having headings.
what you want is
when you type in A5 the new date and B5 a name and if the name exists in the previous rows the data for that name in that previous row should be filled in B5 to F5
if the name is not found a mesaage box will appear that the name is not found and asking you ti fill it.
If my understanding above is correct the solution is here.
right click the sheet tab and click view code. in the resulting window copy paste this code (this is an event code)
1. try the code in the experimental data given by you first
2. in A5 type some date and inB5 type the one of the names already available from the previous data . see what happens When you type the same name as in the above rows be careful of spelling A6 type some date and in B6 type some name which is NOT available in the rows abvoe and see what happens.
4. There should not be any gap in any of the cells or rows.
you have date in the first four rows. with row1 having headings.
what you want is
when you type in A5 the new date and B5 a name and if the name exists in the previous rows the data for that name in that previous row should be filled in B5 to F5
if the name is not found a mesaage box will appear that the name is not found and asking you ti fill it.
If my understanding above is correct the solution is here.
right click the sheet tab and click view code. in the resulting window copy paste this code (this is an event code)
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim r As Range, cfind As Range Application.EnableEvents = False If Target.Column <> 2 Then Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub End If Set r = Range(Target.Offset(-1, 0), Target.End(xlUp)) Set cfind = r.Cells.Find(what:=Target.Value, lookat:=xlWhole) If Not cfind Is Nothing Then Range(cfind, cfind.End(xlToRight)).Copy Target Else MsgBox "name not found fll up data" End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub
1. try the code in the experimental data given by you first
2. in A5 type some date and inB5 type the one of the names already available from the previous data . see what happens When you type the same name as in the above rows be careful of spelling A6 type some date and in B6 type some name which is NOT available in the rows abvoe and see what happens.
4. There should not be any gap in any of the cells or rows.
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Wednesday October 21, 2009
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March 12, 2010
Oct 26, 2009 at 03:06 PM
Oct 26, 2009 at 03:06 PM
hey, Venkat 1926,
Thanks for the help. I didn't know anything abour "event codes" This will save me from wearing out the key board. Interesting that the macro doesn't show up in the macro box (CTRL f8). Is there a way to specify which data gets copied? this macro seems to find and copy the first set of columns down from the top that it finds when the names match. Example, if the data for say GREEN changes, and will stay like that for some time, I want to use this new data instead of the previous stuff. I also have a couple of more questions but it's about message boxes, so I was going to start a new thread with a new heading.
Thanks for the help. I didn't know anything abour "event codes" This will save me from wearing out the key board. Interesting that the macro doesn't show up in the macro box (CTRL f8). Is there a way to specify which data gets copied? this macro seems to find and copy the first set of columns down from the top that it finds when the names match. Example, if the data for say GREEN changes, and will stay like that for some time, I want to use this new data instead of the previous stuff. I also have a couple of more questions but it's about message boxes, so I was going to start a new thread with a new heading.
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Sunday June 14, 2009
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Oct 26, 2009 at 09:31 PM
Oct 26, 2009 at 09:31 PM
I did not catch the point
suppose row 1 has the entry Green
after a few rows of different names e.g in row 5 you type green
then according to the event code first row will be copied.
this means both the first row and the 5th row are exactly same
again after few rows in row 8 you type green the code copes the row 1 . It may not copy row 5
what does it matter. row 5 is same as row 1.
this means some where there is a problem of logic. explain fully with above.
what is that control+F8. what is your version of excel.
in the vb editor (alt+F11) there is standard module in which normally macro are parked. If you want to invoke the macro you have to invoke it every time.
But in an event code as soon as the event occurs immediately and automatically the code is invoked.
suppose row 1 has the entry Green
after a few rows of different names e.g in row 5 you type green
then according to the event code first row will be copied.
this means both the first row and the 5th row are exactly same
again after few rows in row 8 you type green the code copes the row 1 . It may not copy row 5
what does it matter. row 5 is same as row 1.
this means some where there is a problem of logic. explain fully with above.
what is that control+F8. what is your version of excel.
in the vb editor (alt+F11) there is standard module in which normally macro are parked. If you want to invoke the macro you have to invoke it every time.
But in an event code as soon as the event occurs immediately and automatically the code is invoked.
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Wednesday October 21, 2009
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Oct 26, 2009 at 11:16 PM
Oct 26, 2009 at 11:16 PM
Hello Venkat1926,
What if I type in Green in row 20 and need to change his data. I type in the new data for row 20. When I type in Green in row 30, I want to start using the data in row 20, not row 1. Can I make this code copy a specific row rather than go to the first row that has his name.
Also, The message box comes up if the name does not match. Can I have another sentence in the box that askes me if the data is the same and if not, it stops the macro so I can enter the new data. I hope I'm not asking to much. I'm trying to learn.
Opps, I meant ALT+F8, which brings up a list of macros that I can use. I'm using Microsoft Office 2007. As you explained, I don't need to invoke this macro everytime I need it. It sure makes it easier. I'm used to using either a shortcut key, or a button. This keeps the sheet clean and I don't have to remember a shortcut letters!
What if I type in Green in row 20 and need to change his data. I type in the new data for row 20. When I type in Green in row 30, I want to start using the data in row 20, not row 1. Can I make this code copy a specific row rather than go to the first row that has his name.
Also, The message box comes up if the name does not match. Can I have another sentence in the box that askes me if the data is the same and if not, it stops the macro so I can enter the new data. I hope I'm not asking to much. I'm trying to learn.
Opps, I meant ALT+F8, which brings up a list of macros that I can use. I'm using Microsoft Office 2007. As you explained, I don't need to invoke this macro everytime I need it. It sure makes it easier. I'm used to using either a shortcut key, or a button. This keeps the sheet clean and I don't have to remember a shortcut letters!
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Sunday June 14, 2009
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Oct 27, 2009 at 06:35 AM
Oct 27, 2009 at 06:35 AM
I have modified the EVENT CODE.
now open the experimental sheet containing the four rows.
date name hours gross federal state
1/1/2009 hoyt 40 0 0 0
1/8/2009 green 40 0 0 0
1/1/2009 jones 40 0 0 0
please carefully read these instructions
now go to B5 type Green. a message box will come up "do you want to continue the macro"
click NO button. The event code skips out. then you enter what ever you want in C5 to F5
now in B6 type some name which is not there in the database. you get msgbox "name not found fll up data".clcik ok . the event code closes you fill up data for C6 to F6
in B7 type green. now the first message box do you want to continue the macro will comeup
click yes. then row no. 5 will be copied .
do a few more names in column b(do not give any blanks) and see whether the event code does what you want.
the modifed event code is
then you can use the event code in your data.
now open the experimental sheet containing the four rows.
date name hours gross federal state
1/1/2009 hoyt 40 0 0 0
1/8/2009 green 40 0 0 0
1/1/2009 jones 40 0 0 0
please carefully read these instructions
now go to B5 type Green. a message box will come up "do you want to continue the macro"
click NO button. The event code skips out. then you enter what ever you want in C5 to F5
now in B6 type some name which is not there in the database. you get msgbox "name not found fll up data".clcik ok . the event code closes you fill up data for C6 to F6
in B7 type green. now the first message box do you want to continue the macro will comeup
click yes. then row no. 5 will be copied .
do a few more names in column b(do not give any blanks) and see whether the event code does what you want.
the modifed event code is
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim r As Range, cfind As Range Dim msg, style, response Application.EnableEvents = False If Target.Column <> 2 Then Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub End If Set r = Range(Target.Offset(-1, 0), Target.End(xlUp)) Set cfind = r.Cells.Find(what:=Target.Value, lookat:=xlWhole) If Not cfind Is Nothing Then msg = "do you want to continue the macro" style = vbYesNo response = MsgBox(msg, style) If response = vbNo Then Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub End If Set cfind = Cells.FindPrevious(after:=Target) Range(cfind, cfind.End(xlToRight)).Copy Target Else MsgBox "name not found fll up data" End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub
then you can use the event code in your data.
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Wednesday October 21, 2009
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March 12, 2010
Oct 27, 2009 at 07:57 AM
Oct 27, 2009 at 07:57 AM
That's it! I want to thank you for your time and effort. It's exactly what I need