Forgot my email password

Feath - Oct 30, 2009 at 10:48 AM
closeup22 Posts 8922 Registration date Friday May 15, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 7, 2010 - Oct 30, 2009 at 11:15 AM

I am trying to get on my email. I haven't been on it in a while, but I am sure that the password I am using is right! But it's not letting me log into it and it's really making me mad. I really need to get on this email, it's very important that I do. If anyone could help, please do! I already tried that link "Forgot your password?" and I even answered the security question correctlly! But it keeps saying it's wrong. I just don't understand. Is there ANY other way of finding out my password? It's very important! Thanks!!

1 response

closeup22 Posts 8922 Registration date Friday May 15, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 7, 2010 2,099
Oct 30, 2009 at 11:15 AM
hi there,

in this case it seems you have been hacked and i will advise you

to create a new account as you already tried almost all
