Hackers on my msn

Rubi - Nov 9, 2009 at 09:43 AM
dancedhall Posts 3053 Registration date Wednesday May 13, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 12, 2010 - Nov 9, 2009 at 12:22 PM
Hello, I was wondering if someon can help me with the following matter. I believe someone hacked into my computer. When I chat in msn this person zooms in out my camera. I don't move and ask that if this person was a fan of a certain sport to zoom in at the logo and he/she did. There are other things which make me believe this person is listening to what I say.

What can I do to stop this hacker? Pleas any suggestions will be highlyl appreciated.

1 response

dancedhall Posts 3053 Registration date Wednesday May 13, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 12, 2010 656
Nov 9, 2009 at 12:22 PM
hi there,

change your password and secret question of your account

and do it more frequently
