
Anonymous User - Nov 10, 2009 at 01:12 AM
 Sharp0 - Nov 10, 2009 at 01:51 AM
sir, oprating seystem windows7 plz download......?

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Nov 10, 2009 at 01:39 AM
Dear Shaik,

Please have access to the download from the following addresses

and have more information also about Windows 7.

Thank you.
LouisSteph i wouldnt trust those trails of windows7 even if there the paid upgrade it is still pretty bad for your computer why ( non original editions ) can make your computer bit confused if your running a 64 bit windows vista or windows xp when your more then likely have a crash apoun your computer harddrive which ( confuses RAM/ Random Access Memory / Also Harddrive Space you may be running on 100-300gb up, 2 cd drivers, 1-8 USB DRIVERS....

64 bit can confuse

32 bit will run very very slow

Take it from me, I've known windows ever since windows me came out

I strongly reccomened you dont download trails

Anymore information your would like to know

Contact Thanks for your time

I also acept Instant Messageing i currently use

Windows Live Messanger Im also selling copy versions of Windows 7 Home Prem FULL ORIGNIAL EDITIONS for 5$ AUD ONLY if intrested contact me
Hello, shaik karimulla12 You dont need to download a Pirate copy of windows7 becuase not only is it a full version its only a Trail and if it runs out and your havnt backed up your computer you will lose all data

So please dont download any Windows Bulids or RC's

If you want a real edition of Windows7

I can burn you a copy and send it to you or send you the Setup.exe through a email address

all i ask for is $5

This is no scam this is a real edition if this doesnt help, then im sorry your going to have to pay
$160 for the original from the shop which is the exact same as mine

if you do decide you want a copy please,

Contact me on i acept paypal only, Anymore questions my email is there

Thanks for your time and i hoped this helped.