Paying $35 dollars, MS dos /batch files

xenaz - Nov 29, 2009 at 10:26 AM
dancedhall Posts 3053 Registration date Wednesday May 13, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 12, 2010 - Nov 30, 2009 at 10:36 AM
1.) Make a directory on the C: drive called TEST5 (replace the x with your hour number, i.e. 4 or 5).

2.) Make The following directories in TEST5: red, green, blue. red\magenta, green\yellow, blue\cyan.

3.) You will now create a few text files that say the following: This file is in folder COLOR. (replace COLOR with the name of the folder it is in, i.e. This file is in folder YELLOW. if it is in the yellow folder. Create a text file in EACH folder with the name COLORfile.txt again replacing the word color with the directory name. You should have six (6) files when you are done. You may ONLY use the ECHO command to create these files!

5.) Create a batch file in TEST5 that displays the contents of each directory. Have it pause so each can be seen. (HINT: /P will NOT work, you will have to use the PAUSE command!)

6.) Using ONLY the ECHO command, create six (6) new files in the TEST5 directory called COLORfile2.txt, again replacing the word color for the name of each of your directories. Your six files should be named after each of your color directories, i.e. BLUEfile2.txt, etc. Each file should contain the text: This file is the second file in folder COLOR. Replace the word COLOR with the name of the color used in the file name.

7.) MOVE each file to its respective COLOR folder and change its name, at the same time, to: COLORfile02.txt.

8.) Change the name of each of the original files to COLORfile01.txt.

9.) Write a batch file in TEST5 that inserts an echo statement as a second line in each of your files that echoes the contents of itself to the screen.

10.) Write a batch file in TEST5that renames each of your files to COLORfile0x.bat.

you don't have to create the files or anything just list the commands so I could do it, thanks. Send me an email at and we can discus details

1 response

dancedhall Posts 3053 Registration date Wednesday May 13, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 12, 2010 656
Nov 30, 2009 at 10:36 AM
hi there,

thanks for sharing

cheers mate